Match Stats
7 3
Match Date Fri, Jan 31 2025 at 8:40 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name 1on1 Egypt-RETEX
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: CreepsNipplesAreFlat, SMIEC, H3lc@t

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl hussar (24th ) 538 6 3 9 15 5 17 12
cl Zohan (554th ) 328 1 1 2 24 4 3
cl CALIGULA (868th ) 246 4 1 1
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 232 16 2 2 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (795th ) 224 10 4 11 2 4 3 5 2
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (845th ) 136 2 1 12 1 1 1
se BRUNO (651st ) 130 15 2 17 2 1
mx ALXALV (963rd ) 129 14 2 15 1 8 1 1 1 1
gb Atlantis (1330th ) 127 3 2 1 7 8
pl KhurganPL (1233rd ) 123 1 1 9 2 4 2
cz ezero (726th ) 32 3
us Smooth (803rd )
Totals 7 2245 47 17 58 3 97 10 6 43 31
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (42nd ) 418 5 5 12 9 1
gb Lilia (167th ) 384 8 2 10 1 10 11 4
ca LETHAL-Injection! (235th ) 336 4 2 6 9 6 2
pl Ev][L (1046th ) 261 1 3 4 1 8 1 9 2
se Gerdy (1534th ) 249 1 1 1 2 1 16 19
nl Gordon_Ramsay (701st ) 182 1 2 3 4 9 15
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1218th ) 159 15 5 18 1 2 2 5 4
il THP (416th ) 84 7 6 1 1 1 1
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 47 3 1 2
hu ver2ux (850th ) 36 2 2 1
Totals 3 2156 44 15 55 4 51 1 4 67 50

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl hussar (24th )13:3653828528513168.5137.4300:06
cl Zohan (554th )13:4532821221398168.274.7400:09
cl CALIGULA (868th )07:5524658585816.961.5400:27
tr Furnisher (1115th )13:162321521529362.045.2700:09
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (795th )13:452248081142136.1614.7100:06
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (845th )13:45136848411442.425.0500:07
se BRUNO (651st )07:0913079794762.7015.8600:09
mx ALXALV (963rd )05:1112943435145.749.6600:06
gb Atlantis (1330th )13:45127535313228.6510.1000:06
pl KhurganPL (1233rd )13:45123515111730.367.7900:07
cz ezero (726th )01:3132101111147.833.9500:09
us Smooth (803rd )00:430100:36
Totals7 (2245)110711109953042.479.6800:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (42nd )13:1841824624612266.8523.1300:07
gb Lilia (167th )13:45384192193135158.6618.6400:06
ca LETHAL-Injection! (235th )13:1933615015012253.8332.9100:07
pl Ev][L (1046th )13:4526111311313146.317.4000:06
se Gerdy (1534th )13:45249545414726.8712.0600:06
nl Gordon_Ramsay (701st )13:45182636315029.589.0400:06
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1218th )13:451595556139128.579.6200:06
il THP (416th )04:548434344543.0410.7600:07
us [TSC]DMAND (725th )07:364721214034.438.0200:12
hu ver2ux (850th )01:453610102429.419.6200:04
Totals3 (2156)93894010552041.7614.1200:07

Kills Match Up
pl hussar (24th )  327 2   1 2 363427283637239146
cl Zohan (554th )  16 1    2  1930262737261311105
cl CALIGULA (868th ) 129 3881 94        4   
tr Furnisher (1115th )   2 1   1 2 16142520152712152 
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (795th )   511 1   1 11861211109231
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (845th )   5         12715118109232
se BRUNO (651st )   4 5   2   610752016112 
mx ALXALV (963rd )             4339955  5
gb Atlantis (1330th )   1       1 66638116 23
pl KhurganPL (1233rd )   1 1     1 9154924 131
cz ezero (726th ) 1   11   21  2 11 1  1
us Smooth (803rd )                       
se effibrie (42nd ) 4423 253331131126291       10   
gb Lilia (167th ) 2625126232761318181  1 2  7   
ca LETHAL-Injection! (235th ) 13511725196718262  2    9   
pl Ev][L (1046th ) 107 61515362219        10   
se Gerdy (1534th ) 74 78 11343 1      6   
nl Gordon_Ramsay (701st ) 78 110455125        6   
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1218th ) 265224 444  3434 4141 
il THP (416th ) 44 3311 83        7   
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 34 133 132        1   
hu ver2ux (850th ) 2  111 14             

Weapons Summary
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1218th ) 1 55 520 50 9.62 53923
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 2 19 237 19 8.02 21729
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (795th ) 8 73 544 80 14.71 104805
mx ALXALV (963rd ) 2 41 290 28 9.66 35890
gb Atlantis (1330th ) 9 44 495 50 10.10 59142
se BRUNO (651st ) 6 73 227 36 15.86 47218
cl CALIGULA (868th ) 1 57
se effibrie (42nd ) 7 239 817 189 23.13 269732
pl Ev][L (1046th ) 10 103 608 45 7.40 47671
cz ezero (726th ) 1 10 76 3 3.95 4016
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 1 151 474 25 5.27 32472
se Gerdy (1534th ) 54 456 55 12.06 80366
nl Gordon_Ramsay (701st ) 2 61 686 62 9.04 78685
pl hussar (24th ) 3 282 716 268 37.43 397215
pl KhurganPL (1233rd ) 51 321 25 7.79 36201
ca LETHAL-Injection! (235th ) 51 305 97 31.80 146890
gb Lilia (167th ) 3 190 649 121 18.64 175534
il THP (416th ) 1 33 251 27 10.76 31611
hu ver2ux (850th ) 10 52 5 9.62 6019
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (845th ) 4 80 634 32 5.05 35075
cl Zohan (554th ) 3 210 570 27 4.74 34301

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1218th ) 7 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (795th ) 6 2 1 2
mx ALXALV (963rd ) 3 2 1 2 3
gb Atlantis (1330th ) 6 1 1
se BRUNO (651st ) 5 5 1 3 2 1 1
cl CALIGULA (868th ) 5 6 2 1 4
se effibrie (42nd ) 33 12 8 9 11 3 1
pl Ev][L (1046th ) 12 8 3 5
cz ezero (726th ) 2 1
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 20 6 3 6 4 5
se Gerdy (1534th ) 7
nl Gordon_Ramsay (701st ) 2 5 1 2
pl hussar (24th ) 27 17 9 16 15 4 1
pl KhurganPL (1233rd ) Yes 6 1 1 2
ca LETHAL-Injection! (235th ) 28 9 5 2 5 2
gb Lilia (167th ) 22 16 2 7 12 3
us Smooth (803rd )
il THP (416th ) 4 4 1
hu ver2ux (850th ) 1
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (845th ) 7 2 1 3 5
cl Zohan (554th ) 16 6 5 15 11 2 1 1
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 5 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1218th ) 9 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (795th ) 2 2
mx ALXALV (963rd ) 15 2
gb Atlantis (1330th ) 2 0
se BRUNO (651st ) 25 13
cl CALIGULA (868th ) 48 1
se effibrie (42nd ) 59 30
pl Ev][L (1046th ) 73 20
cz ezero (726th ) 10 5
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 127 2
se Gerdy (1534th ) 0 0
nl Gordon_Ramsay (701st ) 2 2
pl hussar (24th ) 15 7
pl KhurganPL (1233rd ) 28 0
ca LETHAL-Injection! (235th ) 2 1
gb Lilia (167th ) 71 28
us Smooth (803rd ) 0 0
il THP (416th ) 7 0
hu ver2ux (850th ) 6 5
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (845th ) 56 3
cl Zohan (554th ) 190 9
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 1 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format