Match Stats
3 2
Match Date Wed, Jan 15 2025 at 9:49 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-[TsF]-2on2-DoubleJoust
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: H2SO4

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us .vF| (81st ) 1301 1 7 8 40 78 27
tr Rkn (76th ) 1207 21 25 45 41 1 65 25
at Takeda (1435th ) 865 33 39 71 1 16 1 47 25
de wpxc (1638th ) 643 18 17 35 2 34 33 21
cz ezero (726th ) 584 8 14 22 13 19 9
es BabyFace (1440th ) 407 2 1 3 21 16 2
pt bife (127th ) 309 1 1 21 15
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 239 26 9 34 1 6 1 7 2
nl gochmer (534th ) 29 1 1 1 1 1
ru Player6 (429th ) 24 7 6 13 2 2
ca Freyja (379th ) 12 1 1
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th ) 10 1
Totals 3 5630 117 119 233 4 196 0 3 282 115
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Nu.. (295th ) 1039 6 10 15 28 1 30 15
nl FRG+ (958th ) 998 18 30 47 1 36 1 53 23
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 825 12 29 41 1 31 45 34
ee maksim (889th ) 705 59 58 117 1 18 31 12
hr PYR (659th ) 694 11 15 26 17 38 11
hu Wildcat (734th ) 379 2 19 21 21 17 5
us Lunar (296th ) 262 1 4 5 1 14 9 4
us Vera (1427th ) 223 2 2 8 11 4
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 106 5 5 10 3 2 5
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 91 6 3 9 1 2 1
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 87 5 5 2
ru Player15 (646th ) 2 1
Totals 2 5411 120 175 293 4 182 0 2 243 117

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us .vF| (81st )30:15130144644628361.1832.0300:07
tr Rkn (76th )24:13120736636619265.5924.9600:08
at Takeda (1435th )33:5186522022030841.6711.5100:07
de wpxc (1638th )33:53643195196285140.668.2600:07
cz ezero (726th )20:2758419719717552.967.3900:07
es BabyFace (1440th )33:5340717617611360.907.4200:19
pt bife (127th )09:093091261265768.8524.6100:10
it TheK33peR (1938th )25:56239929221529.976.9300:07
nl gochmer (534th )02:292915152735.7118.9900:06
ru Player6 (429th )05:1524994217.656.5200:08
ca Freyja (379th )00:471288372.7357.1400:13
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th )00:521011233.3310.0000:29
Totals3 (5630)1851185217021048.4317.9800:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Nu.. (295th )33:55103929229219359.3810.7100:11
nl FRG+ (958th )33:5399827227229148.3114.8700:07
gb Atlantis (1333rd )33:5382519419433037.029.3500:06
ee maksim (889th )31:59705215216314140.688.3200:06
hr PYR (659th )30:0969425425423751.7313.9800:08
hu Wildcat (734th )14:4937915415411351.8529.1400:07
us Lunar (296th )09:472629910083154.3511.6900:07
us Vera (1427th )13:57223909011843.2713.9600:07
cl Noctubro (983rd )06:2910634347630.917.4400:05
mx XVFDL (1007th )04:299130304246.958.5200:07
nl eX`iMpure (62nd )02:128728281270.0026.6700:12
ru Player15 (646th )00:5020500:11
Totals2 (5411)1662166418142044.5412.8900:08

Kills Match Up
us .vF| (81st )    35        56748456553218131292 
tr Rkn (76th )    7        1958597543231634218 3
at Takeda (1435th )    21        264048232312731052 
de wpxc (1638th ) 10322118 1523 1719182723124795  
cz ezero (726th )    1        242326273216102467 1
es BabyFace (1440th )    21        282527162071197 41
pt bife (127th )             10152019143 27117  
it TheK33peR (1938th )    10        81620915741 11 
nl gochmer (534th )    3        142 5       
ru Player6 (429th )    1        213 1     1 
ca Freyja (379th )    2        312         
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th )              1          
pl Nu.. (295th ) 66325420253312223121    11  1     
nl FRG+ (958th ) 32234724281975441311   18  1     
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 311740171911234381    11        
ee maksim (889th ) 292616352599211   9101515 4   2 
hr PYR (659th ) 50295721211192895     11  3     
hu Wildcat (734th ) 252427292172141         4     
us Lunar (296th ) 111512111010 144    461111     
us Vera (1427th ) 1613151615294                
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 261057 4                 
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 44563332                
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 7 3    7 1     10        
ru Player15 (646th )                         

Weapons Summary
us .vF| (81st ) 446
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 39 155
es BabyFace (1440th ) 8 168
pt bife (127th ) 126
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th ) 1
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 28
cz ezero (726th ) 14 183
ca Freyja (379th ) 8
nl FRG+ (958th ) 12 260
nl gochmer (534th ) 15
us Lunar (296th ) 7 93
ee maksim (889th ) 16 200
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 8 26
pl Nu.. (295th ) 5 84
ru Player15 (646th )
ru Player6 (429th ) 9
hr PYR (659th ) 12 242
tr Rkn (76th ) 2 364
at Takeda (1435th ) 4 216
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 10 82
us Vera (1427th ) 1 89
hu Wildcat (734th ) 145
de wpxc (1638th ) 22 173 1
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 2 6
us .vF| (81st ) 1380
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 1819
es BabyFace (1440th ) 1953
pt bife (127th ) 512
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th ) 10
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 105
cz ezero (726th ) 1123
ca Freyja (379th ) 14
nl FRG+ (958th ) 1466
nl gochmer (534th ) 79
us Lunar (296th ) 496
ee maksim (889th ) 1876
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 336
pl Nu.. (295th ) 1410
ru Player15 (646th ) 12
ru Player6 (429th ) 138
hr PYR (659th ) 1559
tr Rkn (76th ) 1138
at Takeda (1435th ) 1651
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 1313
us Vera (1427th ) 573
hu Wildcat (734th ) 481
de wpxc (1638th ) 2276
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 33
us .vF| (81st ) 442
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 170
es BabyFace (1440th ) 145
pt bife (127th ) 126
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th ) 1
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 28
cz ezero (726th ) 83
ca Freyja (379th ) 8
nl FRG+ (958th ) 218
nl gochmer (534th ) 15
us Lunar (296th ) 58
ee maksim (889th ) 156
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 25
pl Nu.. (295th ) 175
ru Player15 (646th )
ru Player6 (429th ) 9
hr PYR (659th ) 218
tr Rkn (76th ) 284
at Takeda (1435th ) 190
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 91
us Vera (1427th ) 80
hu Wildcat (734th ) 145
de wpxc (1638th ) 188
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 4
us .vF| (81st ) 669000
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 197763
es BabyFace (1440th ) 157818
pt bife (127th ) 189000
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th ) 1500
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 42000
cz ezero (726th ) 104835
ca Freyja (379th ) 12000
nl FRG+ (958th ) 307935
nl gochmer (534th ) 22500
us Lunar (296th ) 80571
ee maksim (889th ) 204436
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 33629
pl Nu.. (295th ) 185400
ru Player15 (646th )
ru Player6 (429th ) 13500
hr PYR (659th ) 305626
tr Rkn (76th ) 425343
at Takeda (1435th ) 274907
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 116474
us Vera (1427th ) 118122
hu Wildcat (734th ) 217500
de wpxc (1638th ) 221250
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 6389
us .vF| (81st ) 32.03
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 9.35
es BabyFace (1440th ) 7.42
pt bife (127th ) 24.61
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th ) 10.00
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 26.67
cz ezero (726th ) 7.39
ca Freyja (379th ) 57.14
nl FRG+ (958th ) 14.87
nl gochmer (534th ) 18.99
us Lunar (296th ) 11.69
ee maksim (889th ) 8.32
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 7.44
pl Nu.. (295th ) 12.41
ru Player15 (646th )
ru Player6 (429th ) 6.52
hr PYR (659th ) 13.98
tr Rkn (76th ) 24.96
at Takeda (1435th ) 11.51
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 6.93
us Vera (1427th ) 13.96
hu Wildcat (734th ) 30.15
de wpxc (1638th ) 8.26
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 12.12

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us .vF| (81st ) 50 26 12 19 19 3 1
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 28 6 3
es BabyFace (1440th ) Yes 19 5 5 7 4 1
pt bife (127th ) 18 7 3 4 8 1
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th )
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 6 1 1 2
cz ezero (726th ) 18 8 4 8 9 2
ca Freyja (379th ) 1 1
nl FRG+ (958th ) 26 14 4 5 12 1
nl gochmer (534th ) 4 1
us Lunar (296th ) 8 8 2 2 4
ee maksim (889th ) 24 14 3 3 3 2
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 4 1
pl Nu.. (295th ) 31 14 8 5 11 2 3 1
ru Player15 (646th )
ru Player6 (429th ) 2
hr PYR (659th ) 36 13 5 2 11 1
tr Rkn (76th ) 44 24 8 17 18 3 2
at Takeda (1435th ) 33 5 3 4
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 12 2 1
us Vera (1427th ) 14 3 1 1 1
hu Wildcat (734th ) 22 7 6 2 6
de wpxc (1638th ) 26 5 3 1 5
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 5 2 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us .vF| (81st ) 0 0
gb Atlantis (1333rd ) 16 6
es BabyFace (1440th ) 28 9
pt bife (127th ) 0 0
nl BillyTheKiller (2311th ) 0 0
nl eX`iMpure (62nd ) 0 0
cz ezero (726th ) 112 78
ca Freyja (379th ) 0 0
nl FRG+ (958th ) 55 35
nl gochmer (534th ) 0 0
us Lunar (296th ) 40 23
ee maksim (889th ) 57 31
cl Noctubro (983rd ) 9 5
pl Nu.. (295th ) 62 20
ru Player15 (646th ) 0 0
ru Player6 (429th ) 0 0
hr PYR (659th ) 32 9
tr Rkn (76th ) 81 21
at Takeda (1435th ) 32 8
it TheK33peR (1938th ) 3 3
us Vera (1427th ) 10 2
hu Wildcat (734th ) 0 0
de wpxc (1638th ) 5 2
mx XVFDL (1007th ) 16 2

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format