Match Stats
1 0
Match Date Sun, Feb 9 2025 at 8:14 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, UserMute Mutator, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Control
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: slz, Skiggy-Rapz, Fighter, Freyja, KillRoy

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl pfff (105th ) 412 2
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 365 9 2 11 6 7 5
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 279 10 3 13 4 4
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 234 1 1 2
nl panelle (121st ) 226 4 1 5 1 2
cl Kano (781st ) 186 1 5 4
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 178 7 8
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 141 1 1 1 1
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 109 3 3 2 5
us OS (402nd ) 102 3 3 2 2 1
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 59 1 1 2
us max (691st ) 38 5 1 6 1
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 26 1 1
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 24 1 1 1
il THP (416th ) 4
cz pplarehell (1962nd )
Totals 1 2383 37 8 44 0 21 0 1 29 28
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 345 4 4 3 2
gb dawg (465th ) 305 7 7 1 3 4
cl *_). (966th ) 238 10 6
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 204 7 7 1 2
de Porkypants (755th ) 198 4 2
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 161 3 3 4 6
no Smoker (857th ) 153 6 2
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 90 1 3
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 68 2 3
us Trump (386th ) 48
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 20 1
pl Ev][L (1044th ) 12 1
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 11 1 1
Totals 0 1853 22 0 22 0 1 0 0 36 30

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl pfff (105th )41:04412397399162270.8720.3700:16
ru Terminator. (1206th )41:0436524624626348.3312.6400:10
gb John_Cutter (474th )38:0427921421415158.6312.4600:16
be SonOfSam (383rd )28:3323420920912063.5312.8700:15
nl panelle (121st )21:1422620520510067.2126.5000:14
cl Kano (781st )37:2718612912912351.195.4200:19
gb Atlantis (1328th )41:041789798233129.526.7400:11
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th )29:131411261269557.014.6300:20
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th )41:04109787816532.107.6700:16
us OS (402nd )09:3610271715257.7210.8900:12
fr not_Gaets^ (178th )06:385943433257.339.5900:13
us max (691st )08:193828284637.8410.2700:11
ma Enraged_Newb (870th )01:162633633.3310.0000:14
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd )06:502417173234.695.8800:14
il THP (416th )01:08444736.367.0200:10
cz pplarehell (1962nd )09:0104200:14
Totals1 (2383)1867187016293045.9810.1800:14
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th )41:0434528828822855.8112.3600:11
gb dawg (465th )31:3330519719723245.928.9500:08
cl *_). (966th )41:04238121123120250.203.1600:22
br tia_da_limpeza (316th )29:2220416516513155.7412.1200:14
de Porkypants (755th )27:3519814614617046.2010.8400:10
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th )41:0416110710724530.405.3100:11
no Smoker (857th )41:04153929222728.843.3700:11
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th )11:039066665853.2315.7700:12
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd )15:316844444947.312.3800:20
us Trump (386th )06:144848482565.7530.3200:16
us CitizenSlug (1701st )13:3920192053127.036.7100:16
pl Ev][L (1044th )01:081222528.572.6300:14
pl JasonMarulon (1861st )01:44111010662.508.1600:19
Totals0 (1853)1305130815493045.969.3900:14

Kills Match Up
nl pfff (105th ) 2121 143321     55742343140604210849 3
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 4     25        10243415132637321263311
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 2     19         332624191031184951031
be SonOfSam (383rd )       25        4322581627262713  6  
nl panelle (121st )       23         21351920261726 6 12  
cl Kano (781st ) 2     22        31513451621194212  
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 11189677197137    2313 11  2   
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 1     16        471818141630 5141 
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th )       6         12105561487212  
us OS (402nd ) 1     2         101558165 98  1
fr not_Gaets^ (178th )       11        15   26135     
us max (691st )       5        2324 2631     
ma Enraged_Newb (870th )                  2 1         
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd )                 44 1 33 2    
il THP (416th )       1         1      2     
cz pplarehell (1962nd )                              
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 40533321192921736106101521          3  
gb dawg (465th ) 172918221218715367 315 6          1  
cl *_). (966th ) 82124911215194 7213 2221 1       
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 252024141818610157 215               
de Porkypants (755th ) 103712201416 913 38   4             
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 1123891013261334 12 1          1  
no Smoker (857th ) 71810846686524 71              
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 71246 8  10 144  1              
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 314325 1714   3 1             
us Trump (386th ) 982   9269   3               
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 2522 4 3   1     1        1  
pl Ev][L (1044th )  2                           
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 22   11111   1               

Weapons Summary
cl *_). (966th ) 2 121
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 4 74
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 17
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 10 88
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 20
gb dawg (465th ) 5 192
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 3
pl Ev][L (1044th ) 2
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 8 99
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 10
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 6 208
cl Kano (781st ) 8 121
us max (691st ) 28
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 2 41
us OS (402nd ) 6 65
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 2 124
nl panelle (121st ) 2 203
nl pfff (105th ) 4 395
de Porkypants (755th ) 4 142
cz pplarehell (1962nd )
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 1 65
no Smoker (857th ) 6 86
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 6 203
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 4 242
il THP (416th ) 4
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 1 164
us Trump (386th ) 48
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 2 42
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 7 280 1
cl *_). (966th ) 1361
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 926
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 255
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 1425
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 298
gb dawg (465th ) 916
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 20
pl Ev][L (1044th ) 38
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 1845
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 49
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 1188
cl Kano (781st ) 1310
us max (691st ) 185
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 219
us OS (402nd ) 450
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 820
nl panelle (121st ) 615
nl pfff (105th ) 1679
de Porkypants (755th ) 876
cz pplarehell (1962nd ) 15
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 336
no Smoker (857th ) 1246
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 1321
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 1297
il THP (416th ) 57
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 957
us Trump (386th ) 155
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 631
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 1610
cl *_). (966th ) 43
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 71
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 15
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 96
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 20
gb dawg (465th ) 82
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 2
pl Ev][L (1044th ) 1
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 98
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 4
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 148
cl Kano (781st ) 71
us max (691st ) 19
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 21
us OS (402nd ) 49
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 38
nl panelle (121st ) 163
nl pfff (105th ) 342
de Porkypants (755th ) 95
cz pplarehell (1962nd )
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 53
no Smoker (857th ) 42
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 170
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 164
il THP (416th ) 4
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 116
us Trump (386th ) 47
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 15
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 199
cl *_). (966th ) 52898
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 80597
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 22264
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 114580
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 29430
gb dawg (465th ) 104174
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 3000
pl Ev][L (1044th ) 1089
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 133341
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 4906
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 197317
cl Kano (781st ) 95255
us max (691st ) 23382
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 28230
us OS (402nd ) 66119
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 44273
nl panelle (121st ) 240691
nl pfff (105th ) 503317
de Porkypants (755th ) 135036
cz pplarehell (1962nd )
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 77818
no Smoker (857th ) 51481
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 247368
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 236523
il THP (416th ) 5526
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 171206
us Trump (386th ) 70500
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 17980
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 293869
cl *_). (966th ) 3.16
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 7.67
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 5.88
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 6.74
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 6.71
gb dawg (465th ) 8.95
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 10.00
pl Ev][L (1044th ) 2.63
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 5.31
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 8.16
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 12.46
cl Kano (781st ) 5.42
us max (691st ) 10.27
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 9.59
us OS (402nd ) 10.89
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 4.63
nl panelle (121st ) 26.50
nl pfff (105th ) 20.37
de Porkypants (755th ) 10.84
cz pplarehell (1962nd )
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 15.77
no Smoker (857th ) 3.37
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 12.87
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 12.64
il THP (416th ) 7.02
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 12.12
us Trump (386th ) 30.32
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 2.38
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 12.36

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
cl *_). (966th ) 11 3 1 4
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 3 3 1
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 7
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 1
gb dawg (465th ) 25 10 4 2 6 1
ma Enraged_Newb (870th )
pl Ev][L (1044th )
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 7 2 1
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 2 1 1
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 26 7 2 11
cl Kano (781st ) Yes 19 2 2 4
us max (691st ) 6 1
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 7 2 2
us OS (402nd ) 10 2 2 4
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 22 4 1 5 1
nl panelle (121st ) 23 7 10 3 10 2 1
nl pfff (105th ) 57 22 6 7 24 6 1
de Porkypants (755th ) 16 3 2 2 6
cz pplarehell (1962nd )
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 15
no Smoker (857th ) 8 3 1
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 23 9 4 3 13 2
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 22 11 5 3
il THP (416th )
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 19 7 11
us Trump (386th ) 6 2 1 1 1
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 7 4
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 1
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 44 10 5 4 18

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
cl *_). (966th ) 81 9
de /_Dark*Shadow_\ (1215th ) 9 0
gb Atlantis (1328th ) 4 1
us CitizenSlug (1701st ) 0 0
gb dawg (465th ) 119 36
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 1 0
pl Ev][L (1044th ) 1 1
nl Gordon_Ramsay (700th ) 8 3
pl JasonMarulon (1861st ) 7 0
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 65 5
cl Kano (781st ) 63 2
us max (691st ) 12 3
fr not_Gaets^ (178th ) 25 7
us OS (402nd ) 22 2
mx OVelhoMeMamouRindo (1259th ) 94 7
nl panelle (121st ) 40 4
nl pfff (105th ) 55 5
de Porkypants (755th ) 52 8
cz pplarehell (1962nd ) 0 0
de Prof.Dr.LOL (259th ) 13 6
no Smoker (857th ) 58 8
be SonOfSam (383rd ) 35 6
ru Terminator. (1206th ) 88 13
il THP (416th ) 0 0
br tia_da_limpeza (316th ) 48 11
us Trump (386th ) 1 0
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (842nd ) 33 0
us [TSC]TheGodfather (873rd ) 2 2
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (246th ) 88 14

Match Report
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