Match Stats
2 7
Match Date Wed, Feb 12 2025 at 12:39 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, UserMute Mutator, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-Abreez-SE2
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: pplarehell, Enraged_Newb, OS, Tony_Soprano, H3lc@t, Lucifer

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de bustacell (361st ) 481 13 5 17 5 1 1 13 13
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) 430 17 2 19 6 18 9
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 314 2 1 3 12 8 3
cl *_). (965th ) 304 2 1 3 9 6
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 232 4 1 9 3
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 212 3 5 7 4 1 1 7 7
be esh (306th ) 173 5 1 6 1 4 5 2
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 151 1 1 2 4 1 3
cl Zohan (554th ) 24 2 1 3 1 1
ec Wirrow (576th ) 3
Totals 2 2324 45 17 60 1 39 3 2 71 47
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pt <º(((< (15th ) 586 4 1 5 1 24 2 14 6
ca Freyja (378th ) 349 30 5 33 1 8 2 9 10
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 288 1 9 1 9 6
ir Wraith (1066th ) 239 8 5 12 4 1 1 9 6
pl Nu.. (299th ) 239 2 2 2 5 13 9
gb shmoo (572nd ) 231 9 7 14 3 9 2 4 1
us jerc (672nd ) 90 4 3 3 1
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 64 2 2 4 1 4
Totals 7 2086 53 25 71 7 66 3 7 59 42

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de bustacell (361st )19:5648117717718548.9015.5000:07
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st )19:56430226227156159.1130.4800:08
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th )19:5631420720715756.8717.8900:08
cl *_). (965th )17:1430474749345.283.4200:12
br KmK.Raizen (86th )11:132321241245967.7625.5300:12
us Natural_Causes (833rd )19:562129596129142.487.4100:10
be esh (306th )09:0617388887653.6618.4800:07
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st )19:5615112412413348.257.1800:09
cl Zohan (554th )02:392410101638.468.0600:10
ec Wirrow (576th )01:193331121.4300:07
Totals2 (2324)1128113010152048.2213.3900:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pt <º(((< (15th )19:5658633933913771.2229.0200:09
ca Freyja (378th )19:5634913813815646.9428.3300:08
nl `j0_oGh* (546th )19:3828814514514749.669.1700:08
pl Nu.. (299th )19:55239878717433.333.5400:07
ir Wraith (1066th )19:5623910410418036.629.9800:07
gb shmoo (572nd )12:56231898911344.0614.5700:07
us jerc (672nd )11:0890686811337.578.4600:06
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th )12:186420208518.643.6700:09
Totals7 (2086)99099011050042.2513.3400:08

Kills Match Up
de bustacell (361st )      1    1628223024161921
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st )  1   3    4431243438202013
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th )      7    1820333338202117
cl *_). (965th )      2    9138813777
br KmK.Raizen (86th )           152317241415133
us Natural_Causes (833rd )  2 1 1 3  1116914158125
be esh (306th )           8810151216136
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st )      6    151622132211712
cl Zohan (554th )           1 233  1
ec Wirrow (576th )            1  1 1 
pt <º(((< (15th ) 725655281538204393        
ca Freyja (378th ) 22122225109112331        
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 232731810121321          
pl Nu.. (299th ) 222012441177          
ir Wraith (1066th ) 1512131271891233        
gb shmoo (572nd ) 161688517612 1        
us jerc (672nd ) 12101346587 3        
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 31332 251         

Weapons Summary
cl *_). (965th ) 1 27 1
pt <º(((< (15th ) 6 333
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 5 140
de bustacell (361st ) 2 175
be esh (306th ) 6 82
ca Freyja (378th ) 138
us jerc (672nd ) 1 67
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 124
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 5 91
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) 227
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 5
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 1 206
pl Nu.. (299th ) 6 81
gb shmoo (572nd ) 3 86
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 5 118 1
ec Wirrow (576th ) 3
ir Wraith (1066th ) 5 99
cl Zohan (554th ) 10
cl *_). (965th ) 246
pt <º(((< (15th ) 958
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 763
de bustacell (361st ) 555
be esh (306th ) 341
ca Freyja (378th ) 473
us jerc (672nd ) 390
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 423
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 769
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) 735
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 139
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 559
pl Nu.. (299th ) 989
gb shmoo (572nd ) 460
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 766
ec Wirrow (576th ) 24
ir Wraith (1066th ) 571
cl Zohan (554th ) 62
cl *_). (965th ) 8
pt <º(((< (15th ) 278
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 70
de bustacell (361st ) 86
be esh (306th ) 63
ca Freyja (378th ) 134
us jerc (672nd ) 33
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 108
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 57
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) 224
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 6
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 100
pl Nu.. (299th ) 35
gb shmoo (572nd ) 67
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 55
ec Wirrow (576th )
ir Wraith (1066th ) 57
cl Zohan (554th ) 5
cl *_). (965th ) 10653
pt <º(((< (15th ) 405140
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 91825
de bustacell (361st ) 118451
be esh (306th ) 87540
ca Freyja (378th ) 207000
us jerc (672nd ) 45552
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 161367
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 68116
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) 340500
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 9825
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 142775
pl Nu.. (299th ) 35469
gb shmoo (572nd ) 85453
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 61406
ec Wirrow (576th )
ir Wraith (1066th ) 72878
cl Zohan (554th ) 5431
cl *_). (965th ) 3.25
pt <º(((< (15th ) 29.02
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 9.17
de bustacell (361st ) 15.50
be esh (306th ) 18.48
ca Freyja (378th ) 28.33
us jerc (672nd ) 8.46
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 25.53
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 7.41
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) 30.48
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 4.32
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 17.89
pl Nu.. (299th ) 3.54
gb shmoo (572nd ) 14.57
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 7.18
ec Wirrow (576th )
ir Wraith (1066th ) 9.98
cl Zohan (554th ) 8.06

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
cl *_). (965th ) 6 1 2 2 4
pt <º(((< (15th ) 35 17 13 14 15 7 1
de bustacell (361st ) 25 8 5 8 1
be esh (306th ) 8 11 2 2
ca Freyja (378th ) 23 6 2 3
us jerc (672nd ) 8 2 1 2 1
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 17 8 3 2 7 1 1
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 7 2 2 2 2
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) Yes 20 14 5 7 9 3
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 3 1 1 1
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 17 9 2 8 5 4 2
pl Nu.. (299th ) 6 3 1 1 2
gb shmoo (572nd ) 13 3 1 2
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 10 3 1 4 3 1 1
ec Wirrow (576th ) 1
ir Wraith (1066th ) 12 1 2 1 1 1
cl Zohan (554th )
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 17 4 4 9

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
cl *_). (965th ) 52 1
pt <º(((< (15th ) 61 13
de bustacell (361st ) 92 55
be esh (306th ) 27 11
ca Freyja (378th ) 0 0
us jerc (672nd ) 34 6
br KmK.Raizen (86th ) 17 7
us Natural_Causes (833rd ) 42 5
us NorthKorean2cmPeter (41st ) 0 0
nl NorthKoreanElite2.0 (1550th ) 8 1
nl NorthKoreanMarine (507th ) 116 2
pl Nu.. (299th ) 57 7
gb shmoo (572nd ) 21 5
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 72 4
ec Wirrow (576th ) 3 0
ir Wraith (1066th ) 35 7
cl Zohan (554th ) 6 1
nl `j0_oGh* (546th ) 81 10

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format