Match Stats
2 4
Match Date Fri, Feb 14 2025 at 7:08 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, UserMute Mutator, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: zan

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us OS (402nd ) 277 4 1 5 1 4 5 3
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 226 3 3 6 4 5
us uranus (655th ) 185 5 1 6 3 9 4
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 156 3 1 3 1 1 2 1
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 153 1 1 3 1 4 3
gb arrBA (1808th ) 107 5 1 5 1 3 1 2
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 103 1 2
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 84 1 5 1
us notfuck (1930th ) 81
nl Jayce (813th ) 52 1 4
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 23 1 1
us 2Player (139th ) 17 1 1 1
se Gerd (1482nd ) 10
Totals 2 1474 23 4 25 2 22 1 2 34 22
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl Player1 (169th ) 412 9 2 8 14 3 3 4
si noxfox (341st ) 250 3 1 4 1 6 4 2
es groove¡! (921st ) 241 4 2 5 1 6 1 1 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 133 3 3 3 7 8
pl cryo (552nd ) 128 3 2 5 1 3 3
hr Sportpid (731st ) 124 6 2 8 1 1 6 1
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 39
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 16 1
gb Kifla 4
cz calces (2483rd )
Totals 4 1347 25 12 33 3 31 0 4 24 20

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us OS (402nd )20:0027717717713157.4715.9800:10
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th )20:0022613613614149.1014.6200:09
us uranus (655th )19:2318586869723.634.7201:16
il Tw!$ter! (857th )17:271561111118456.9218.9100:13
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st )20:00153919114039.396.5900:09
gb arrBA (1808th )09:5310745454152.3324.3900:15
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th )11:03103616253153.456.2500:13
es LARACHOF (1089th )20:0084363613820.691.8100:09
us notfuck (1930th )09:268158584352.0612.4700:13
nl Jayce (813th )07:1052383939149.378.0900:12
gb John_Cutter (474th )02:222320201262.5015.3800:13
us 2Player (139th )03:061714141942.427.0400:10
se Gerd (1482nd )04:451091026127.035.9500:12
Totals2 (1474)8828859643045.1010.9400:16
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl Player1 (169th )20:0041227027010272.5829.7700:12
si noxfox (341st )20:0025016116112456.4911.8300:10
es groove¡! (921st )20:0024116716712157.9928.8800:10
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th )19:15133555511632.166.3400:10
pl cryo (552nd )16:1912893939549.4713.4500:11
hr Sportpid (731st )16:53124575711034.134.9800:10
no FLAGtaker (816th )07:1739363751141.577.8200:09
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th )04:4816151635130.776.9900:09
gb Kifla01:14444833.3311.1100:10
cz calces (2483rd )06:06-1019100:21
Totals4 (1347)8578607813040.8512.1200:11

Kills Match Up
us OS (402nd )         6  1 1330263615366512
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th )       1 3  2 1217321615179633
us uranus (655th )       1 2  1 121113129154411
il Tw!$ter! (857th )       1 4  4 2116712151293 7
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st )         3  2 1721881177421
gb arrBA (1808th )   1        1 5561293   3
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 1 11  114    51071087151 
es LARACHOF (1089th )       1 1    4654861   
us notfuck (1930th ) 7106 6 38 41142 321     
nl Jayce (813th )         71   84312473  
gb John_Cutter (474th )         1     172 261  
us 2Player (139th )    311       221121    
se Gerd (1482nd )             1113   14  
nl Player1 (169th ) 294126284814114739336         2
si noxfox (341st ) 2019179324113117136          
es groove¡! (921st ) 29361020195102345114          
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 75758735123 2          
pl cryo (552nd ) 161218910941131             
hr Sportpid (731st ) 1487610145 11            
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 86224 13 72 2      1   
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th )  2212 14 3  1       1  
gb Kifla  2    1     1          
cz calces (2483rd )                       1

Weapons Summary
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 2 60
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 1 135
us 2Player (139th ) 1 13
gb arrBA (1808th ) 45
cz calces (2483rd )
pl cryo (552nd ) 3 90
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 4 33
se Gerd (1482nd ) 10
es groove¡! (921st ) 1 166
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 16
nl Jayce (813th ) 3 36
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 20
gb Kifla 1 3
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 36
us notfuck (1930th ) 49
si noxfox (341st ) 2 159
us OS (402nd ) 7 170
nl Player1 (169th ) 9 261
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 3 52
hr Sportpid (731st ) 5 52
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 111
us uranus (655th ) 3 83
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 7 83 1
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 544
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 718
us 2Player (139th ) 142
gb arrBA (1808th ) 164
cz calces (2483rd ) 13
pl cryo (552nd ) 632
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 435
se Gerd (1482nd ) 168
es groove¡! (921st ) 554
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 229
nl Jayce (813th ) 445
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 104
gb Kifla 36
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 885
us notfuck (1930th ) 284
si noxfox (341st ) 1082
us OS (402nd ) 945
nl Player1 (169th ) 843
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 789
hr Sportpid (731st ) 663
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 587
us uranus (655th ) 795
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 1032
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 34
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 105
us 2Player (139th ) 10
gb arrBA (1808th ) 40
cz calces (2483rd )
pl cryo (552nd ) 85
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 34
se Gerd (1482nd ) 10
es groove¡! (921st ) 160
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 16
nl Jayce (813th ) 36
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 16
gb Kifla 4
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 16
us notfuck (1930th ) 34
si noxfox (341st ) 128
us OS (402nd ) 151
nl Player1 (169th ) 251
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 50
hr Sportpid (731st ) 33
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 111
us uranus (655th ) 75
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 68
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 44647
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 152132
us 2Player (139th ) 12729
gb arrBA (1808th ) 59140
cz calces (2483rd )
pl cryo (552nd ) 123410
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 44783
se Gerd (1482nd ) 14442
es groove¡! (921st ) 238055
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 24000
nl Jayce (813th ) 50166
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 22900
gb Kifla 5430
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 22069
us notfuck (1930th ) 49502
si noxfox (341st ) 178027
us OS (402nd ) 208974
nl Player1 (169th ) 362494
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 70053
hr Sportpid (731st ) 36816
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 164900
us uranus (655th ) 109131
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 94099
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 6.25
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 14.62
us 2Player (139th ) 7.04
gb arrBA (1808th ) 24.39
cz calces (2483rd )
pl cryo (552nd ) 13.45
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 7.82
se Gerd (1482nd ) 5.95
es groove¡! (921st ) 28.88
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 6.99
nl Jayce (813th ) 8.09
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 15.38
gb Kifla 11.11
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 1.81
us notfuck (1930th ) 11.97
si noxfox (341st ) 11.83
us OS (402nd ) 15.98
nl Player1 (169th ) 29.77
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 6.34
hr Sportpid (731st ) 4.98
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 18.91
us uranus (655th ) 9.43
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 6.59

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 5 1 1
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 17 6 1 7
us 2Player (139th ) 4
gb arrBA (1808th ) 3 3 1 1
cz calces (2483rd )
pl cryo (552nd ) 17 4 2
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 4 1
se Gerd (1482nd ) 1
es groove¡! (921st ) Yes 25 8 1 3 7
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 1 1
nl Jayce (813th ) 4 2 1
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 2 1 1
gb Kifla 1
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 2 1
us notfuck (1930th ) 10 1 3 2
si noxfox (341st ) 21 5 3 4 2 3 1
us OS (402nd ) 34 6 3 4 10 1
nl Player1 (169th ) 34 17 12 6 20 2
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 5 1
hr Sportpid (731st ) 6
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 13 3 1 1 3
us uranus (655th ) 14 2
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 17 2 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (787th ) 28 13
es /_\k|r/_\ (364th ) 31 14
us 2Player (139th ) 4 1
gb arrBA (1808th ) 5 4
cz calces (2483rd ) 0 0
pl cryo (552nd ) 9 0
no FLAGtaker (816th ) 3 2
se Gerd (1482nd ) 0 0
es groove¡! (921st ) 7 4
gb IAMNOTAROBOT (1885th ) 0 0
nl Jayce (813th ) 3 2
gb John_Cutter (474th ) 4 2
gb Kifla 0 0
es LARACHOF (1089th ) 22 1
us notfuck (1930th ) 18 8
si noxfox (341st ) 30 9
us OS (402nd ) 27 17
nl Player1 (169th ) 16 9
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1116th ) 4 1
hr Sportpid (731st ) 26 4
il Tw!$ter! (857th ) 0 0
us uranus (655th ) 10 4
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (841st ) 23 5

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format