Match Stats
1 0
Match Date Thu, Feb 20 2025 at 8:11 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, UserMute Mutator, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Liandri Docks
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: T-error, calces/pplarehell, rebar

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl SRV (9th ) 635 1 2 2 4 1 23 7
nl muffn (701st ) 512 1 1 4 15 8
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 335 11 2 13 1 6 4
pt bife (124th ) 196 2 2 3 1 2
no Player15 (646th ) 193 3 3 1 2 1
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 186 3 3 2 9
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 171 3 2 5 1 6 6
il THP (416th ) 114 1 2 3 3 2 1
mx suspialive (570th ) 68 11 11 1 4
us F0g|3orn|| 53 3 5
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 43 13 2 15
pl Smoker (857th ) 40 1
us 2Player (139th ) 34 1 1 1
gb Tst (277th ) 25 1 1
de Talwin (1006th ) 22 3 3 1
pl frela (221st ) 17 1
jo Free Palestine (526th ) 3
us telmux (1667th ) 1
Totals 1 2648 53 10 62 1 18 0 1 62 50
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl haunting (17th ) 626 2 2 3 22 11
tr Rkn (75th ) 533 3 3 6 10 9 2
si noxfox (341st ) 427 7 1 8 1 10 12
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 358 22 2 24 4 11 11
ca Freyja (378th ) 231 9 3 12 1 8 8
gb ringside (2183rd ) 228 7 1 8 1 10 10
no Player14 (601st ) 172 2 1 3 1 2
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 107 7 3 10 3 2 6
it funkysl4p (849th ) 62 1 1
se BRUNO (651st ) 48 3 1 4 1 1
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 7
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )
Totals 0 2799 60 17 77 0 24 0 0 76 62

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl SRV (9th )33:0863538738717568.8621.5700:12
nl muffn (701st )34:1551232932921860.1510.9600:10
de mаRevolvermann (184th )34:15335237238274146.3913.0500:08
pt bife (124th )20:1519617517513128.7911.1600:07
no Player15 (646th )13:5519314114110557.3210.8300:08
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th )13:4318655557654.1112.1800:17
de Barbarosa (1825th )19:01171878712940.288.7400:09
il THP (416th )14:52114747580148.086.2200:12
mx suspialive (570th )08:226811114537.851.1800:24
us F0g|3orn||05:2653141621241.034.9000:17
ma Enraged_Newb (870th )10:504311118411.557.3500:08
pl Smoker (857th )05:384011113723.607.9000:10
us 2Player (139th )07:3934283059232.975.7400:08
gb Tst (277th )03:322514142140.0010.3700:11
de Talwin (1006th )06:562215154027.272.9700:11
pl frela (221st )01:5017771236.8410.7100:09
jo Free Palestine (526th )02:023331318.754.2900:10
us telmux (1667th )01:20111614.293.2300:13
Totals1 (2648)1600160615266038.238.5200:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl haunting (17th )34:1562638938918567.7724.8700:12
tr Rkn (75th )34:1553339639621964.3922.9100:10
si noxfox (341st )34:1542725925922753.299.2200:09
pl Baby_Doll (206th )31:2535817917923543.245.6200:08
ca Freyja (378th )27:2423113213225134.4618.9100:07
gb ringside (2183rd )32:042288890210232.077.0200:15
no Player14 (601st )11:241721311319258.7414.3300:08
us LoSahn (1162nd )34:15107626226718.844.1700:08
it funkysl4p (849th )10:466250506443.8614.7300:11
se BRUNO (651st )02:5548331910.826.7200:10
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st )01:23777750.0013.7300:13
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )00:270200:15
Totals0 (2799)1696169817782039.7911.8500:10

Kills Match Up
Free Pale
pl SRV (9th )          49 3     4653485464422631241 
nl muffn (701st )   1       1015     364357523932247103  
de mаRevolvermann (184th )   1    1 4 12     33403223354173510  1
pt bife (124th )          55 2     141919302915321121 
no Player15 (646th )          33       2116241222  211432 
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th )            1      85687 214 4  
de Barbarosa (1825th )            12     71513101531110    
il THP (416th )   1    1  4 1     71071413 4131   
mx suspialive (570th )          3        1  41  11   
us F0g|3orn||  1315   22    1 2      1      
ma Enraged_Newb (870th )    1    2         2  121 2    
pl Smoker (857th ) 1                   231 13    
us 2Player (139th )  1    3     2     13725 44    
gb Tst (277th )                    3141  2  3 
de Talwin (1006th )          1        322 3  211  
pl frela (221st )                     3    2 2  
jo Free Palestine (526th )                    1 1    1   
us telmux (1667th )                    1          
nl haunting (17th ) 234367313614431918 1749 824      51      
tr Rkn (75th ) 59538834202030173 61710822      36      
si noxfox (341st ) 2339392017151986 87978633     22      
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 35192815109475 752 6        27      
ca Freyja (378th ) 928127759122 53113 1      27      
gb ringside (2183rd )  13  22  11    2 3686171424163  1
no Player14 (601st ) 1620164 8166  7913          16      
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 599832351 243          8      
it funkysl4p (849th ) 42787  55    14 1      6      
se BRUNO (651st )  1   1  1                     
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st )  1 2         22               
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )                               

Weapons Summary
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )
us 2Player (139th ) 30
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 16 163
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 3 84
pt bife (124th ) 175
se BRUNO (651st ) 1
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 7
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 4
us F0g|3orn|| 2 14
jo Free Palestine (526th ) 2 1
pl frela (221st ) 7
ca Freyja (378th ) 132
it funkysl4p (849th ) 1 49
nl haunting (17th ) 3 386
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 6 56
nl muffn (701st ) 6 323
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 5 233
si noxfox (341st ) 9 250
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 1 9
no Player14 (601st ) 2 129
no Player15 (646th ) 5 136
gb ringside (2183rd ) 88
tr Rkn (75th ) 2 394
pl Smoker (857th ) 1 1
pl SRV (9th ) 1 386
mx suspialive (570th ) 2 3
de Talwin (1006th ) 1 14
us telmux (1667th ) 1
il THP (416th ) 4 71
gb Tst (277th ) 14
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th ) 10
us 2Player (139th ) 383
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 1619
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 641
pt bife (124th ) 784
se BRUNO (651st ) 7
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 51
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 35
us F0g|3orn|| 286
jo Free Palestine (526th ) 70
pl frela (221st ) 56
ca Freyja (378th ) 682
it funkysl4p (849th ) 319
nl haunting (17th ) 1299
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 1128
nl muffn (701st ) 1907
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 1272
si noxfox (341st ) 2114
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 40
no Player14 (601st ) 649
no Player15 (646th ) 794
gb ringside (2183rd ) 713
tr Rkn (75th ) 1423
pl Smoker (857th ) 16
pl SRV (9th ) 1706
mx suspialive (570th ) 85
de Talwin (1006th ) 303
us telmux (1667th ) 31
il THP (416th ) 868
gb Tst (277th ) 135
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )
us 2Player (139th ) 22
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 91
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 56
pt bife (124th ) 175
se BRUNO (651st ) 1
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 7
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 3
us F0g|3orn|| 14
jo Free Palestine (526th ) 3
pl frela (221st ) 6
ca Freyja (378th ) 129
it funkysl4p (849th ) 47
nl haunting (17th ) 323
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 47
nl muffn (701st ) 209
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 166
si noxfox (341st ) 195
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 5
no Player14 (601st ) 93
no Player15 (646th ) 86
gb ringside (2183rd ) 71
tr Rkn (75th ) 326
pl Smoker (857th ) 1
pl SRV (9th ) 368
mx suspialive (570th ) 1
de Talwin (1006th ) 9
us telmux (1667th ) 1
il THP (416th ) 54
gb Tst (277th ) 14
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )
us 2Player (139th ) 28609
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 118419
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 81057
pt bife (124th ) 262500
se BRUNO (651st ) 1443
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 10248
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 4500
us F0g|3orn|| 18148
jo Free Palestine (526th ) 3241
pl frela (221st ) 9000
ca Freyja (378th ) 198000
it funkysl4p (849th ) 69962
nl haunting (17th ) 478929
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 59655
nl muffn (701st ) 297401
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 245382
si noxfox (341st ) 263648
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 7500
no Player14 (601st ) 135205
no Player15 (646th ) 122946
gb ringside (2183rd ) 104755
tr Rkn (75th ) 481654
pl Smoker (857th ) 1192
pl SRV (9th ) 549805
mx suspialive (570th ) 1500
de Talwin (1006th ) 11289
us telmux (1667th ) 1500
il THP (416th ) 71321
gb Tst (277th ) 19202
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )
us 2Player (139th ) 5.74
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 5.62
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 8.74
pt bife (124th ) 22.32
se BRUNO (651st ) 14.29
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 13.73
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 8.57
us F0g|3orn|| 4.90
jo Free Palestine (526th ) 4.29
pl frela (221st ) 10.71
ca Freyja (378th ) 18.91
it funkysl4p (849th ) 14.73
nl haunting (17th ) 24.87
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 4.17
nl muffn (701st ) 10.96
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 13.05
si noxfox (341st ) 9.22
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 12.50
no Player14 (601st ) 14.33
no Player15 (646th ) 10.83
gb ringside (2183rd ) 9.96
tr Rkn (75th ) 22.91
pl Smoker (857th ) 6.25
pl SRV (9th ) 21.57
mx suspialive (570th ) 1.18
de Talwin (1006th ) 2.97
us telmux (1667th ) 3.23
il THP (416th ) 6.22
gb Tst (277th ) 10.37

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th )
us 2Player (139th ) 6
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 23 7 1 3 7
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 13 2 1 3
pt bife (124th ) 22 8 5 4 6 1
se BRUNO (651st )
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 1 1
ma Enraged_Newb (870th )
us F0g|3orn||
jo Free Palestine (526th )
pl frela (221st ) 1
ca Freyja (378th ) 20 4 1
it funkysl4p (849th ) 9 2
nl haunting (17th ) 53 19 7 6 20 4
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 2
nl muffn (701st ) 44 17 7 6 16
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 38 8 1 3 5
si noxfox (341st ) 39 9 5 4 9 1
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 6 3 1
no Player14 (601st ) 12 10 2 4 3 1
no Player15 (646th ) 13 6 4 4 3
gb ringside (2183rd ) 7 1
tr Rkn (75th ) 50 17 13 9 19 2
pl Smoker (857th ) 1
pl SRV (9th ) 53 21 11 7 29 2
mx suspialive (570th ) 3
de Talwin (1006th ) 1
us telmux (1667th ) Yes
il THP (416th ) 10 1 1
gb Tst (277th ) 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
mx /L/p/S\o\T\ (1285th ) 0 0
us 2Player (139th ) 8 1
pl Baby_Doll (206th ) 92 16
de Barbarosa (1825th ) 31 9
pt bife (124th ) 0 0
se BRUNO (651st ) 1 1
pl Dirty_jamal7 (1991st ) 0 0
ma Enraged_Newb (870th ) 2 0
us F0g|3orn|| 3 1
jo Free Palestine (526th ) 0 0
pl frela (221st ) 1 1
ca Freyja (378th ) 0 0
it funkysl4p (849th ) 3 1
nl haunting (17th ) 66 7
us LoSahn (1162nd ) 17 2
nl muffn (701st ) 122 18
de mаRevolvermann (184th ) 77 14
si noxfox (341st ) 63 21
nl Ooper_Pooper (559th ) 14 6
no Player14 (601st ) 39 11
no Player15 (646th ) 53 15
gb ringside (2183rd ) 18 7
tr Rkn (75th ) 71 15
pl Smoker (857th ) 8 3
pl SRV (9th ) 18 6
mx suspialive (570th ) 4 1
de Talwin (1006th ) 6 2
us telmux (1667th ) 0 0
il THP (416th ) 21 8
gb Tst (277th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format