Career Summary for Player1
Match Type Score F K D S TK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL Matches Wins Win Percentage Hours
Capture the Flag 450568 198417 199179 118186 567 195 62.61 21.04 00:18 1827 847 46.36% 387.34
Totals 450568 198417 199179 118186 567 195 62.61 21.04 00:18 1827 847 46.36% 387.34

Assault, Domination and CTF Events Summary
Assault Objectives Control Point Captures Capture The Flag
Flag Takes Flag Pickups Flag Drops Flag Assists Flag Covers Flag Seals Flag Captures Flag Kills Flag Returns
7262 3281 8936 545 13441 390 1590 15495 6368

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
377 22548 8905 4028 5351 9139 1638 454 155 214

ComboGib Summary
Matches Combos Insane Combos
1755 43675 7319

Weapons Summary
2294 178403 707054 152265 20.94 224164K

Match Type Rank Matches Explain
642nd Capture the Flag 6075.96 1893(Click)

Min Avg Max
13 70 65535

Matches played
ID Date/Time Match Type Map
35422 Thu, May 18 2023 at 8:27 pm Capture the Flag CTF-Combo_King
35437 Thu, May 18 2023 at 8:17 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-Crates2022
35425 Thu, May 18 2023 at 8:10 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-OvalTech-RSA
35472 Thu, May 18 2023 at 7:48 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-StalwartLite[CaosGenerator]
35382 Thu, May 18 2023 at 7:35 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Joust
35467 Thu, May 18 2023 at 5:20 pm Capture the Flag CTF-(Vp)FragWhore[ZPC]
35398 Thu, May 18 2023 at 5:08 pm Capture the Flag CTF-FirenzeJrLE15
35385 Thu, May 18 2023 at 4:46 pm Capture the Flag CTF-w00tabulousFixed
35444 Thu, May 18 2023 at 4:34 pm Capture the Flag CTF-EgyptSpam
35408 Thu, May 18 2023 at 4:26 pm Capture the Flag CTF-andACTION((Revamp))
35383 Thu, May 18 2023 at 4:13 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-Crates
35457 Thu, May 18 2023 at 2:21 pm Capture the Flag CTF-TinMan
35450 Thu, May 18 2023 at 2:04 pm Capture the Flag CTF-DukuCB3(nw)
35414 Thu, May 18 2023 at 1:37 pm Capture the Flag CTF-w00tabulousFixed
35454 Thu, May 18 2023 at 1:02 pm Capture the Flag CTF-(UTW)OPEL
35390 Thu, May 18 2023 at 12:41 pm Capture the Flag CTF-CliffRuins
35445 Thu, May 18 2023 at 12:33 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Joust
35397 Thu, May 18 2023 at 12:15 pm Capture the Flag CTF-Bleak-CE100
35336 Wed, May 17 2023 at 10:11 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-Crates2022
35339 Wed, May 17 2023 at 9:58 pm Capture the Flag CTF-w00tabulousFixed
35364 Wed, May 17 2023 at 9:36 pm Capture the Flag CTF-LiandriDocks
35334 Wed, May 17 2023 at 9:14 pm Capture the Flag CTF-(UTW)OPEL
35362 Wed, May 17 2023 at 9:05 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-Crates
35371 Wed, May 17 2023 at 8:52 pm Capture the Flag CTF-4on4-SmallMountain-ESU-2022
35331 Wed, May 17 2023 at 8:42 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Joust
35360 Wed, May 17 2023 at 8:20 pm Capture the Flag CTF-Docks-mini
35365 Wed, May 17 2023 at 8:07 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Egypt-SE
35337 Wed, May 17 2023 at 7:50 pm Capture the Flag CTF-LiandriDocks
35316 Wed, May 17 2023 at 7:29 pm Capture the Flag CTF-(Fall0utII)
35348 Wed, May 17 2023 at 7:15 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-StalwartLite[CaosGenerator]
35370 Wed, May 17 2023 at 7:05 pm Capture the Flag CTF-w00tabulousFixed
35308 Wed, May 17 2023 at 6:43 pm Capture the Flag CTF-Bolt_HE
35298 Wed, May 17 2023 at 11:25 am Capture the Flag CTF-(UTW)OPEL
35310 Wed, May 17 2023 at 11:14 am Capture the Flag CTF-5Cubes-CliffyB2
35377 Wed, May 17 2023 at 10:56 am Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Egypt-SE
35291 Tue, May 16 2023 at 8:29 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Joust
35233 Tue, May 16 2023 at 8:08 pm Capture the Flag CTF-w00tabulousFixed
35271 Tue, May 16 2023 at 7:47 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Egypt-SE
35206 Tue, May 16 2023 at 7:25 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Joust99
35231 Tue, May 16 2023 at 7:04 pm Capture the Flag CTF-LiandriDocks
35266 Tue, May 16 2023 at 6:55 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-SmallMountain-ESU-2022
35242 Tue, May 16 2023 at 6:33 pm Capture the Flag CTF-DukuCB3(nw)
35260 Tue, May 16 2023 at 11:17 am Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-StalwartLite[CaosGenerator]
35189 Mon, May 15 2023 at 7:48 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Joust99
35177 Mon, May 15 2023 at 7:31 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Joust
35184 Mon, May 15 2023 at 7:16 pm Capture the Flag CTF-2on2-OvalTech-RSA
35199 Mon, May 15 2023 at 6:55 pm Capture the Flag CTF-w00tabulousFixed
35117 Mon, May 15 2023 at 6:33 pm Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Egypt-SE
35161 Mon, May 15 2023 at 6:28 pm Capture the Flag CTF-MegaFrenzyRebirth
35165 Mon, May 15 2023 at 5:30 am Capture the Flag CTF-1on1-Midle
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