Career Summary for Galactus
Match Type Score F K D S TK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL Matches Wins Win Percentage Hours
Capture the Flag 11 2 2 5 0 0 28.57 5.71 00:30 1 1 100% 0.04
Totals 11 2 2 5 0 0 28.57 5.71 00:30 1 1 100% 0.04

Assault, Domination and CTF Events Summary
Assault Objectives Control Point Captures Capture The Flag
Flag Takes Flag Pickups Flag Drops Flag Assists Flag Covers Flag Seals Flag Captures Flag Kills Flag Returns

Weapons Summary
2 35 2 5.71 3000

Match Type Rank Matches Explain

Min Avg Max
147 149 151

Matches played
ID Date/Time Match Type Map
2182 Sun, May 22 2022 at 9:58 pm Capture the Flag CTF-Bleak-CE100
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