Schizazoid Lol, another one:"Blah-blah-blah, you do it - it's bad. I do it - it's good".
You're "loling" of yourself at most. Either you are trolling again using semantic tricks due to a lack of real argumentation, or your logic is broken.
If you hit me first, I have the right to hit you back too the same way, in defense. I do it in retaliation, you not.
A gangster has started shooting to a cop, cop has started to defend and shooting to gangster, they now both are shooting to each other, by your broken logic both of them are bad, because they are doing the same, I don't think so, because Cop only defends. Another example: Russia is bad because attacked Ukraine, and by your broken logic Ukraine is bad too because Ukraine defends / counter-attack in retaliation? Wow, brilliant logic.
Schizazoid O-oh, yeah, everybody out to get ya, mon, be on a lookout!
I said only you and player_0, which is 2, then you manipulate it and call "2" "everybody", another of your trolling by semantic tricks used to make fun of me, due to a lack of real argumentation or your math is broken.
Schizazoid Anyone who want to see arguments about your gameplay could freely spec you anytime you on server, lol. There were already other ppl pointing same thing as I or close to it, but you dismissed those by your usual mantra:"You just cherrypiking troll, begone".
I didn't deny my gameplay, you fucking idiot, I only said I do it a half of a game, not the whole game, as you suggest, and that I do it on spam maps, where half of other players spamming too, have you got problems with reading plain english or what?
You act like someone who reads mind and knows what I meant better than I do myself, are you clairvoyant or what...
Schizazoid You implied it in your wording. Nobody gonna say something like:
Both you and me are not native english, either I worded wrongly or you read wrongly, out of the two I think the latter, because I already proved several times your logic is broken and you have problems reading / understanding what I wrote. In any case, perhaps it was a simple misunderstanding at the level of translation, and you made a personal drama of it, with your flawed assumptions.
Nicefu Maybe you guys discuss your attitude in another topic? or PM? 🤔 Here is topic for the UT Victory Scenes, and about the UT Victory Scenes...
Yeah, that's exactly what I told him.