Ooper: There are not 24814 unique players on the server, there are 24814 unique names used on the server.
I didn't say they are all unique players, I just quoted what LONDON gametracker site says, and then I divided it further by 10, so why are you still trolling (also I don't know why that would even matter anyway: players or names...).
Ooper: Everyone is this screenshot that is a cheater has more than 100 points.
So you cherry-picked 2 out of 10 or 15 screenshoots, and on the second one there are two other players who have more than 100 points and they were not accused, the only players on the both screenshoots who were accused are Driver and pitok, which means accused 2 out of 4, not "everybody", maybe you mistakenly thought all players on the screenshoots were accused, maybe you misread the context, the only accused players are those who are on the blacklist. Also Driver and pitok's scores from the two screenshoots are much higher than just "100": 210 + 174 + 365 + 485 = 308,5 scores average, your "100 points rule" seems not fitting well and overcolours the real situation and causes falsification. Also on the first screenshoot Driver and pitok's time is 8 which means they joined recently and didn't played the whole game since the beginning, if they did, they could get not 200, but 300 or 400 averagely, just like on the second screenshoot where they played 15 minutes, which could bump up their 308,5 average score of the two screenshoots up to 400...scores also depends on many other factors: how many and what players (skilled ,weak, botters ) are in a game, what is the map, and like already said, how much time played on a map. Saying " 100 points" stories is manipulating / fitting a storyline to the facts to discredit someone cheap way as most of botters has usually much more than 100, so any screenshoot will be made, will always fit well to your "100 points" storyline...