Buahaha, sure, not at all, just that in in the both threads after I pointed out your misbehaviour to you, your first reactions were your comments full of calling names on me and personal shit fucking. But keep denying the fucking truth you clown detached from reality.
Schizazoid Said the guy who conciously responded in a long dead thread 4 month later, kek.
Buahaha, because I didn't see this thread before, only now, so I never commented it so far, that's the difference, you fucking stupid clown detached from reality, did you ever got a brain? Wow.
Schizazoid Gee, you can't even come up with your own arguments so you keep using mine in your little deflection charade, lmao.
Buahaha, wow, sure, just because I've used a small part of your comment, in my own comment, a single time, just for fun and as a sarcasm, which you don't even realise, because you're too stupid, it immediately means that hundreds of my other comments full of my own arguments, suddenly have stopped exisitng and just have vaporized or what? How the fuck did you come to such a great fucking conclusion?
Not to mention how is your reply related to the part of my comment you just have quoted? Like a gingerbread to a windmill, like you had no real arguments, to the part of my comment you have quoted and were looking for whatever just to accuse me. Congratulations !
Schizazoid Don't you even try to play wikipedia based psychoanalisis here - you gonna loose.
Oh no ! I perfectly described your disabilities, you got no brain attached to your head, only a potato !
No, you've lost ! I finished you in the both threads, you are out of arguments troll, you are only poorly trolling / manipulating and DENYING.
Schizazoid here's why: we already discovered that you are (...)
Buahahah, who says that bullshit? Gang of Gay-Clowns? Go read what I discovered about all of you: LINK 1 + LINK 2 and stop joking.
Schizazoid you gonna write another shitpost consisting of deflection, denial and insults just to have the last word. Go on then, little clown, say the thing.
Buahaha, you're DENYING your DENIAL SYNDROME. Oh fuck.
Now I wonder whether on Earth exist ever a doctor who can help you.
Please detach a potato from your head and try to attach a brain. Oh Fuck.