Run it through OBS lol I hate waiting for the good parts of a demo.
Like I would claim to have when I didn't. It's too big to upload here, but give me a place to post it and I will. (CTF-Bleak-CE100_11-18_11-44-48 29.8mb)
CrazyEyesCortez You can upload to any file hosting and post the link here. (can be even Google Drive)
It's only fair, sbt cheats on the server why can't he.
lol this is even not eatsleeput server 😂
Yeah, smoker is riddled with bots lately and people for some fucking reason so reluctant with kicking them... Anyway, how exactly do you know that varshany is cowboy? You wrote an e-mail to smoker and got confirmation on ip-match or something?
I know its cowboy from previous discussions when he started using varshany.
@Ooper Funny how he went from 7-9%acc to 35% in a week. That's not sketch at all.
CrazyEyesCortez One thing confuses me though, when madeta(always fuck his name up sry) is in his game he stops using it, or someone called him out in the Coret game. badwolf(probably same player) has a toggle on altfire(blaze made the same mistake in the sniper cup) and always reconnects before ACE does it's periodical checks(that's what i'm guessing) so he doesn't get logged on the deck]16[ all weapons server.
Cortez is a reliable source in my book if he comes out saying someone is a hax I take him seriously.
Played that Cowboy guy multiple times.. if he hit an accuracy of 30% in any game I'd ban him. He's a under 20% for life. That and a lot of the anti-cheat guys were a funny bunch that couldn't hit anything.. then they would start working on code and their accuracy would suddenly improve. Andromeda and TimTim comes to mind.
destro Andromeda and TimTim comes to mind. destro Blaze is such a self righteous prick drunken_fool Ten/Holdr whatever his name is.
destro Andromeda and TimTim comes to mind.
destro Blaze is such a self righteous prick
drunken_fool Ten/Holdr whatever his name is.
I know those names from UK killers idd. I remember a post where someone wrote TimTim still lives with his mum lol he went through the roof! I didnt know Blake was cheating but if he did it doesnt surprise me at all. Idd a crier in those days. Holdr always hiding behind more skilled players, preferably in a corner
No not Cowboy his superior intelligence is known far and wide, I've personally been set right when I dare question his wisdom. I personally am no coder but sharing aimbots with any community seems like not such a great idea to me.
Ooper Blaze is such a self righteous prick. Glad he got caught since the dude would literally cry when anyone would kill him, then ban them on UK servers to boot.
Anyway. He came in and saw that we were all writing and did not answer anything. What is this ? nothing to answer? (similar to SBT?)
You decide
I saw this game and it was crazy
lol he had 2 back to back 7-0 losses while cheating. It could be a lot worse but he has 180 ping.
maybe this action is intentional? The admin doesn't write anything about it either
Snowguy probably has a life 😆
My guess he's waiting on a response from Cowboy.
Just finished a lovely game with another hack. Ten/Holdr whatever his name is. I had my eyes on this guy for a wile and didnt wanna say anything. Running your radar hack and make it any more obvious. This idiot knows exactly where u coming from especially in a map like Bleak....its so obvious that its actually pretty sad. Game ends and all I say is " whats the point of cheating ?" and I never mentioned his name and right away he starts calling me trash and a fckn noob ( even though I finished the game with 60+ eff )and he remindins me that his top 10 in the game and blah blah blah blah I been playing this game since 1999 and I know a hack when i see one. You see I dont call depak a hack cause I can tell his legit but you ? lol I can see you tracking me down idiot. At least make it less obvious? but since you are a cry little baby you're exactly the type of player who will resort to hacks. We can cry about SBT all you want but at least the guy knows how to cheat lol ...Hence why I never see you around when SBT is on hahaha This is sad........please hurry and come up with some good anticheats before this community will go down even further.