I'm pretty sure I wrote about this before but I'll write it again here. To start with the whole reason I started a server in the first place was because I was tired of playing the same maps all the time. That's why I have tested approximately 2000 maps and have so many on the server. While some of them aren't the best they were the good ones of those that were tested.
I have always had plans to remove the maps that didn't end up being that great but it is difficult to decide which to remove and time consuming if I don't immediately remember the map I'm considering for removal.
We also talked about increasing the repeat limit higher than 5 before and there seemed to be quite a few players that would rather just vote what they want instead of having it locked out. I think what might usually happen is there is a large player turnover after 3 to 5 maps have been played and you then get 10 new players who all want to play w00t and weren't there for it the last time it was played. Ask yourself how many maps in a row do you stay for? If it is more than 5, then for you the repeat limit should probably be increased. I'm not against trying it or even having a poll for it to see what people want.
Anyway, I have a new map update ready for the server which adds 7 new maps 🙂
But I did actually take this thread as my motivation to remove 26 maps this time. I will remove more as time goes on. If your favorite map was removed just let me know and I can add it back in.
I will update the London server with these map changes the next time I catch it without players. If you want a sneak peek at the new maps you can check them out on the New York & Amsterdam combogib ctf servers.