• General
  • Hopping may be legal, but it's fucking cowardly

Ann0ying it is a very good "weapon" against very skilled players

Annoying and co in previous bouncing topic:"Countering bouncers is easy - just shoot em". Also annoying:"Bouncing is good against VERY SKILLED players".
Make up your mind already, lol.

UTNL it should communicate how the server really feels about it

UTNL I think this communicates something

IDK, depends on the perspective, but I think it communicates very little if anything at all.
Just look at how most of players playing (yours truly included) - they are objectively bad: no aim, no brain,no moves, no team coordination, nothing. Many come in just to chill spamming combos on spawn while salivating on their shirt. So ofc most don't bother using bouncing cuz it requires some effort to learn it - can't be bothered.
"Good" players who can bounce - some of them (if not most) playing here to stroke their ego by fragging newbs in between pugs, with little care about objective, hence not many bounce.

UTNL So on a map like Control

On most control matches you can barely enter the room cuz of the ramp campers spam. Map is boring cancer, anything that speeds up match on it is getting a pass, heh.

UTNL getting kickvoted

Suuuure. 1-2 rage votes after match ended, wow. For the whole time playing here I haven't seen 1 person kicked while match still going - even when cowboy was blatantly openly ragebotting with hard snapping - nobody gave a damn. Ppl can't be bothered to use it even if they could potentially make matches better. Just as example: ppl wouldn't need to complain about teamswitchers if they got together and kicked that sob a couple of times till he learns not to do it, but no-o-o, can't be bothered.

    Schizazoid Annoying and co in previous bouncing topic:"Countering bouncers is easy - just shoot em". Also annoying:"Bouncing is good against VERY SKILLED players".
    Make up your mind already, lol.

    yeah because despite being easy to shoot a bouncer, the threat is there and is high, so most skilled players, tend to defend more when playing against a bouncer..

    IG players think everything is a shoot out and want you to play some weak ass IG on a server CLEARLY MARKED COMBOGIB . Personally I could give 2 fucks what some Retard Euro thinks is cowardly go play with the Retard Pure IG players. Oh wait no one wants to play that shit anymore lol. Bug or not its a skill you lack so you cry good day and fuck on back to the nether regions.

      I'm sure Annoying is doing it gladly! Go get 'em! 😎

      jerc might want to check UK server which is IG+, its getting fuller and fuller everyday and i see many people from ESU play there.

      I personally prefer combogib due to faster firerate, grapple and not needing to do quick switch flicks, increases dynamics of the game but from userbase standpoint server has became cancer to play on. Sure, I play ocassionaly, I dislike bouncers and spawnkill campers but it is what it is. Its not gonna change, its a public server after all, everyone is gonna do what they want to do and not be bothered by how it affects others.

      Most matches 12 out of 18 people play DM on mid and dont really care where the flag is even if its 1 meter away from them they wont be bothered to pick it up and cap. Gotta get those numbers up I guess. @UTNL Id agree with you, it ruins the match but theres not much you can do about it except accept it.

      I also think bouncing is overpowered and makes the games less fun to play. It's not about being easy or hard to hit, it's about having the chance to hit a bouncing flag carrier in the first place. Without bouncing on, players always get a chance to recover and attempt to kill the flag carrier a couple times over. This is what makes attacking in CTF fun for me, it's very tricky to actually run with the flag. When someone is bouncing with the flag, you get spawnkilled once, or you are out of position once then you have zero chance. It is just too fast.

      I'm a avid grappler which makes for a relatively good leveller for players without top aim like myself. It allows me to get to the flag without having to go on a rampage. However, there is a reason you cannot grapple whilst carrying the flag, it would make it drastically easier & too fast to get out of enemy territory...same as bouncing IMO. Hell, I would be in favour of having similar rules for bouncing. Bounce all you want but just not whilst carrying the flag.

      I also don't think it's right to flame players who are using bouncing as they are still following the rules, they just have a different take which is fine. Ann0ying has always seemed like a pretty chill dude to me. It's too small a community to get at each others throats.

      I don't like playing on the UK IG server it's overly admined got a warning by SeaAss for chasing for covering the flag carrier.

        jerc It seemed a bit more relaxed compared to previous years the few times I played there, before it died it was a mess with different admins saying different things and not agreeing with each other and giving admin to random people. Banny I can remember was raging at me and crying to the other admins on the server for chasing him when he got team balanced switched and didn't notice, so me killing him when he was running to the wrong base to defend 😆 was me "laming".

        I don't mind playing IG by the rules ICTF is the best ctf in all versions of the game imo. I like combogib it's more relaxing for me boosting and bouncing allows you to experiment with playing styles.

        I'm surprised instagib + grapple didn't have a run unless I missed that era.

        @Ann0ying please just make a video tutorial of your skill preferable showing your actual hands,
        Its always fun when you join the game, because i know im up to a whole different challenge, i play with various usernames but just know if you being killed again and again by the same playername, its probably me 🙂 i got you good in CTF-Bleak not to long ago. I hope i gave you a trauma 🙂 your arch enemy 😉

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