- Edited
Sorry, I feel compelled to write this. It may sound whiny, and you're welcome to your opinion, but please note that I'm only coming at this from the perspective of trying to protect the integrity of the server. Also, considering I play for a couple of hours every single day (or more) and would wager I have one of the higher cap counts on the server, I think I have enough experience to make this observation.
We've decided that hopping is legal, fine. I vehemently disagree with this but that's what the server admin has decided. However, I want to raise two points for discussion.
1) The number of people hopping on the server is incredibly low. I've been in so many games where it's 9 v 9 and there's like 1 person, maybe 2 people hopping. The fact that others are either disinterested in doing it or learning how to do it, or incapable of doing it should communicate how the server really feels about it. People are happier without it. If it were even 25% of players, I would understand and accept it, but it's not. Out of maybe 50 regular players I see on a weekly basis, it's like 3 or 4 outliers who are still doing it so again, in my opinion, this communicates something.
2) Serial hoppers only seem to turn it on boost when they're losing. This is my primary point. The people I see hopping are honestly so fucking bad at the game that they are incapable of capping without it. Not only that, the process of hopping (having to get behind the flag) means that you are wasting time trying to grab in such a specific manner, that you're robbing your team of good grabbing opportunities. So, not only could it be considered cheating, it can be considered team sabotage as well. Enough people rush to kick Octoman and Caligula for just spawn killing all game, but this is the exact same category of bad play and deserves to be called out.
Annoying is by far the worst offender. We were just playing a nice chill game of Control-LE, our team was up 4-1 and then Annoying bounces to two quick caps, each cap takes like 5 seconds to complete, to bring it to 4-3. How is this fair and equitable? The few players who are hopping are doing so because they know they're fucking terrible and incapable of capping otherwise. Annoying finally muted me on the server because he couldn't handle the truth.
I really, REALLY wish we could just have a server wide referendum on hopping and move forward with the result. I have a feeling the server would vote to ban, that's just my two cents. All I know for sure is that almost every single game where hopping is happening, as soon as the game is over, the offender normally receives a flurry of kicks.
I realize nothing will change. All I know is, those who are pushing hard to get their caps via "core configuration" means are far better players than those who just happen to have a nice mouse wheel.