(cheater) player1 - and his huge number of frags/points
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jerc Why is this guy (...)
Why is this guy "jerc" so obsessed with his thinking that no one cheats, and defending every suspected players in every thread all over the forum...also there are many similiar threads/comments on this forum about different players suspected cheating, so I'm not the only one.
the_cowboy (I personally have reached godlike in similar map, Egypt to be precise).
jerc I,ve gotten like 20x holyshit kills on Joust pretty regularly with a few wicked sicks that woulda rolled over into 2 if it reset and started over. Can a legit player get this score? Absolutely.
Great stories..., any links to the stats, any screenshoots? Or do you want anybody to believe these stories? Especially the one from "jerc", as I don't trust a troll. At least I provided stats and screenshoots of "player1", you provided only fairy tales, it's you who got no evidence, but it was me who has been accused of being the one who got no evidence, this is funny.
Also as for "player1", like I already have written, many players were complainging about him, also they were trying to vote-kick him, it's time to bring them to this thread.
Ooper He has a reputation for doing it,
Not calculating your % anymore, expert? You back to trash-talking now. Lol.
Still licking Ooper's ass? You like it, don't you,? It seems you two are gays.
I'll explain what I meant above.
This is a post-study association of psychology fanatics, something like a still popular group of flat-earthers. Better not mess with them.
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So you think Earth is flat, lol
I already said that I can also suspect 50% of all players on the server, but I cannot prove it, because I watched their game and did not see any suspicion shots.
Show us all the suspicious shots for example and we'll all look and if it's not a human movement, then I promise everyone will support you (I'm the first).
Or are you waiting for someone to do it for you? like here
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Nicefu Show us
No, I already showed stats and screenshoots, as a proof that only "player1" can achieve results like 521 frags / 1658 points in 17 minutes, on CTF-1on1-Joust, now it's your all's turn to show me links and screenshoots to other players having same results like "player1". If you all are so sure that it's "so easy" to get results like "player1", then it should not be a problem for you to show which other players can achieve same results, so far you provided nothing more than trash-talking, trolling, insulting, opinions and stories, you must be kidding? Unless anybody of you provide links to stats or screenshoots,, you are just projecting / trash-talking / trolling. Wow. Holy-Shit. I can easily handle 1vs7 in argumentation, even though buckets of shit have been poured on me.
You can 1v7 in an argument? All the years you've been doing this retarded shit of posting screenshots of people who get more points then you, then say it's proof they are cheating none have been banned. You are basically saying you can't do what they are doing so they must be cheating, you've been playing the game for so mnay years and don't even know how to move and shoot at the same time, you are easily in the bottom 10% of players skill wise, your ego is so big that you can't see it as anything more then others are cheating.
Just look through the list of games played on joust with 20+ players that last more than a few minutes you see even noobs getting 400+ kills in some games isn't even that rare: https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=minfo&map=CTF-1on1-Joust&page=0
PepsiCola Unless anybody of you provide links to stats
https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=match&mid=34151 - look at /\k|r/\ has 1409 score. He's an allright player without any suspicious behaviour.
https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=match&mid=33651 - jerc, nicefu, pissedof, jamally have score more than 1000 (i don't name other ppl with high scores, since you might suspect them of anything, idk).
Here you go. You could say it's "cherrypick"-ing or that "it's not the same" (cuz time, lower score or w/e). Well, that won't lead us anywhere. The point is: getting high numbers on joust is possible: you'll just need to be lucky enough and play for the whole match (which usually takes more than 10-15 min, since ppl tend to vote for it on busy evening).
Stop it with circlejerking numbers-screenshots-stats (especially after saying that numbers don't matter while arguing with ooper, lol) - either post a demo in addition to those things, or just stop posting altoghether, since your posts will inevitably turn into shitposting contest. Or keep doing posts like this and getting mocked, it's your life and your time do w/e.
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Ooper All the years you've been doing this retarded shit of posting screenshots of people who get more points then you, then say it's proof they are cheating none have been banned.
At least you could stop trolling and stop posting your own retarded shit:
- not "all the years", maybe few months, also I haven't played the game in the last 2 years
- not "only screenshoots" - there is about 10 demos attached with 100% proven aimbotters
- "none have been banned." - don't ask me why those 100% botters on the DEMOS are not banned, rarely anybody is banned on such trash servers
- also like already said in the other thread: LINK I played vs all of them personally, that's why I accused them, and screenshoots were only as a secondary proof / documentation, a case with "player1" is the first case based only on a screenshoot + match stats
Ooper You are basically saying you can't do what they are doing so they must be cheating, your ego is so big that you can't see it as anything more then others are cheating.
I don't have ego, botters are those with egos, you should not generalise and should not troll so much, because saying that noone cheats is not more inteligent than saying everyone cheats, it's the same, just in the opposite direction. In the thread on the HOF forum is about 10 demos attached, which one of them is not an aimbotter? Did you ever watched those fucking demos or only trolling / speaking of screenshoots, all the fucking time?
Ooper you are easily in the bottom 10% of players skill wise
Neither "combo accuracy %," nor "kills" trolling worked towards my skills, so now you are trolling with "10%", without providing any evidence, where the fuck does this "10%" comes from? From a moon? You're so angry you throw shit after shit.
Ooper Just look through the list of games
I already looked before creating the thread.
Looking again I see I missed some results.
Some more games with "player1" I forgot to link in my initial comment:
- "player1" LINK : 579 frags / 1461 points in 21 minutes
- "player1" LINK : 427 drags / 1360 points in 20 minutes
Here other players:
- "es /\k|r/\" LINK 220 frags / 1585 scores in 9 min = 415 frags / 3000 scores in 17 min WTF ? You must be kidding ?
- "O.." LINK 243 frags / 1980 scores in 20 min = 207 frags / 1683 scores in 17 min - has same points like "player1" but a half of frags
Schizazoid https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=match&mid=33651 - jerc, nicefu, pissedof, jamally have score more than 1000 (i don't name other ppl with high scores, since you might suspect them of anything, idk).
Lol I saw these already, you are stupid like a bunch of rocks, you are posting some shitty examples where they played 34-36 minutes which is 2x more than 17, it's like taking stats from 2 games combined, you need to divide these results by 2 to compare to "player1" :
- pissedoffpistol 34:36 504 / 1350 = 252 frags / 675 points in 17 min
- Jamally 36:13 436 / 1234 = 218 frags / 617 points in 17 min
- jerk 34:04 361 / 1100 = 180 frags / 550 points in 17 min
- Nice^|fu 36:13 262 / 1009 = 130 frags / 505 points in 17 min
- effibrie 36:13 782 / 1969 = 391 frags / 985 points in 17 min
was already accused being a cheater: LINK, similiar result, like "player1" - a coincidence ? - Player1 36:13 630 / 1768 = 365 frags / 884 points in 17 min
Sorry, but you need to provide other examples, apart of "/\k|r/\" which I agree - is a strange case.
Ooper you see even noobs getting 400+ kills in some games isn't even that rare: https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=minfo&map=CTF-1on1-Joust&page=0
Most of them seems to be shitty examples like Schizazoid provided above, better check them yourself and only provide those who are not flawed by bad math, I'm tired as for today, see you tomorrow.
...what beautiful dots. Artist, huh?
yesterday beaver, today player1, tomorrow MadMax and so on and so on.
...let's do a little statistic.
I wonder how many players he has accused elsewhere before appearing here on the forum? How many players have actually been banned because of his flawless rating? Maybe every shot he makes is a bull's-eye and no one has appreciated him here yet.
player_0, stop trolling and personal attacking like a broken CD, we should focus on the stats, like the other guys already have started.
Anyone better then him is cheating, if he didn't waste so much time with his fantasies about everyone cheating he might not be so bad at the game, but playing a match for 5 minutes, calling 20 people a cheater, calling everyone that disagrees with him a troll, then calling it a day is all he can do.
oh shit! I thought you were tired
One with /\k|r/\ is 20 min long (pretty much close to 17min, no?). And he got pretty close with score while having only half of player1's frags (well, nothing strange, because that's due to more ctf-related activities).
Your argument was that player1 has insane score, asked for examples with high scores - you got them. Now you started whole flaming thread "math is flawed", "it's not the same", "time is off", "scores is off" etc (and that's after all rant about meaningless numbers and stats, that were linked by ooper).
You cry that people don't take your "proofs" seriously, while discarding other ppl's "proofs" in the same manner. What's your point? Just to keep shitposting, while imagining yourself as some kind of hero-martyr on crusade or something?
If you really want to get "cheaters" banned, then play it by the book: use demorec (in conjuction with all the other things). Right now keeping with this "player made screenshots are as valid proof as any" and "high score = cheater" you just make things worse for everybody (like that tale about boy who cried "wolves" far too many times and all that).
PepsiCola you are stupid like a bunch of rocks
I understand your remarks to ooper, player_0 and any other guy who had mocked you here, but you're not helping yourself, your case or your "cause" by insulting me (of all ppl here), lol.
I gave you benefit of the doubt, but you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper...
I was like that too many years ago, I think everyone was like that . Only for some reason, when I started to play hard and learn from others (by watching videos and spec others), I started to improve little by little. Of course I'm still a noob compared to many players...
As I said before... "for someone, a week is enough, but for someone, even a year is not enough"
PS. Let him see how PUG players play.... Heart attack guaranteed
Schizazoid I wanted to tell him the same anecdote? lol but in the end I gave up because I don't know if he knew what it was about.
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Schizazoid Your argument was that player1 has insane score, asked for examples with high scores - you got them.
You (and Oo..er) provided a bunch of shitty results, of which anybody can laught, like you didn't finish math in elementary school (and the same in case of his funny % combo accuracy calculations/comparisions), of which only 1 case is somehow similar to "player1", and another similiar but not identical case was found by me, congratulations ! Then you cry that I don't take your "proofs" seriously, while discarding my "proofs" in the same manner What's your point? Just to keep shitposting or something? At least I proved that it is not so easy, on the contrary - it is very difficult to repeat what "player1" achieves. Where are those "many players" you both were talking about the whole fucking thread? On Moon?
Schizazoid by insulting me
It doesn't bother you when they insult and troll me all the time, and suddenly it bothers you when the same is done to you by me, this is hypocrisy, you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper.
Ooper a troll
Yes, I already proved like 10 times: you, player_0, jerc are ugly trolls. By the way: a) you didn't answer the question about demos b) also where are the links to statistics you were supposed to provide? They don't exist? That's why you've switched back to a troll mode.
player_0 oh shit! I thought you were tired
So you can troll freely? No way.