Sad but true
After watching your video @Nicefu, I really don't understand how people can still be like "oh no, he is clean for me just good !"
Well, after all, it's not my server, @snowguy do whatever he wants. I'll keep doing what I'm doing, meaning leaving the server when he is playing. That's all. Up to you to ban him or not. You're the master here
Nicefu Hello. I started the topic on I didn't think I'd have to continue it. There are so many things I didn't mention about him. For example, he uses Bunnyhopping all the time.
Sorry Nicefu, I didn't mean to pick on your topic over there and cause you to have to continue it. It's just that Ferali is very knowledgeable about this and he explained some things very well in that thread so I wanted others to be able to access this same information without me doing a poor job of trying to explain the same things here.
Esuoh is correct in that I have turned a blind eye to bunnyhopping / bouncing. It's definitely not encouraged but my servers are just for public fun which is the main reason for the leniency in the rules. I spent an extremely huge amount of time warning, kicking, and banning players for constantly switching teams whenever they felt like it and I didn't want to undergo the same torture to stop the bunny hopping. First because it isn't used that often and second because it can even happen by accident. More to say on this but I'll leave it at that for now.
Nicefu In any case. How to prove if the admin has all the logs and stuff ?
I understand that I write everything in vain...
I can only assure you that the logs don't give any insight to the matter. Although what you have written here might not lead to a ban, I wouldn't consider it all in vain as I am taking it all into consideration. I have already watched your video at the specific times you pointed to in slow motion and I will be commenting on this later today hopefully.
Nicefu About the name of the cheat. Call it Zeroping or Hacked Zeroping or Hacked Driver.... doesn't matter
There very well could be a zeroping hack. If you find one that gets around ACE feel free to let me know about it / send it to me in private and I will work to make sure it is stopped.
Also, if you really believe it is a zeroping hack we now have the ComboGib London 2 server which runs Newnet (FNN) instead of zeroping. The majority of players will have a much better experience on this server with newnet instead of zeroping anyway. It would only take a few players on there from time to time to gather others there and then we can see if the same things happen under this different setup.
Nicefu I've been hacking things a bit myself. But I hacked console things (PS3)
I really hope you aren't saying here that you are a cheater (on PS3) so you know how to spot cheats
Nicefu We all can only trust the admin. But these are not official servers.
MR snowguy if YOU can't prove it, then that's another matter.
Exactly this, I cannot currently prove it and/or I'm not currently convinced. I will mention that being easily convinced of something isn't always a good thing. I myself was even kicked from a deck 16 server after sniping proficiently from the sniper pickup spot and I'm certainly not a top notch player.
Well, no need to apologize. I see you are a reasonable person. I just showed them the video and they tried to make me look like a fool.
About PS3 hacking. I converted games to run on retail official PS3 (I released free PS3 games)
I can do a lot more things, but it's not for the public ^^
I think everyone is looking forward to an explanation (if they will offer money for silence, do not agree)
I didn't see shit in that video but I'll watch it again. Yeah get rid of the bouncing and while you are at it the grapple also the shockballs then we can be like ig players and cry about chasers and backshots all day long. Oh do you use specfix because just behindview0 isn't accurate. Watching pitok cheating videos is like watching the xfiles you never really get there. Honestly If pitok wasn't around this thread would be about REG, Jamal or opper... Do what i do Demorec every game and maybe you can be the guy that proves aliens are real.
ESUOH Is he banned from the ukserver for that bouncing snowguy?
Lots of players say he is banned on all servers except mine and therefore he should be banned here also but I don't really know anything about where he is banned and why. Some were saying he used to use the name baton so I dug up an old thread on the UK forum about it which seemed to indicate he was banned for bouncing. Maybe there is more to it but I'm not aware of that.
It's not really the protection of "one" guy though it is the protection of all innocent players until they are proven guilty. Around a year ago Titan, you were playing a lot more and your aim was getting exceptional there were lots of players claiming you were cheating should I have banned you because of that?
The point is, this "protection" extends to every player and proving someone cheats isn't an easy task if it is well hidden. Yes, that means if someone is a really good player they could probably get away with turning a cheat on from time to time but please don't because I really don't want to have to ban you permanently and lose respect for you when it is found out that you were cheating.
Titan I think it would be a good signal, to active remove players from a running game. You can broadcast an admin message into the game, every player can read that.
I already do this sometimes but you either don't see the message or aren't on the server when it happens. It shows up in white text in the chat area. I don't want to display it in the middle of the screen while everyone is trying to play.
ESUOH All that behavior on the server gets from one person to another thats why the server is so poisened fuckeD up now. So what im gonna do now is full spawnkill games full defending games as it is allowed ?
You are right, toxicity and poor behavior are contagious but so is courteousness and kindness. While I hope you don't change your game to be annoying since it is being done to you I understand if you do. Often times when you get spawnkilled a bunch, like on 2on2crates for example, you go to return the favor but instead of getting even with the player that was doing it to you; you instead spawnkill someone else repeatedly that was just trying to play normally. The player you want revenge on is actually back at your base still spawnkilling your teammates.
The point being, there aren't that many of us left in this game we should try to be helpful to each other and make that the contagion as much as possible instead of the toxicity.
We should start a separate thread to discuss spawn camping and what can or should be done about it. Not everyone will want it changed as in some regards it is part of the game and Titan brings up a good example of why spawn protection can be frustrating at times.
zcbz Regarding people playing CTF, more points should be given to people who attack.
I will start a thread about this soon zcbz. There I will show all the settings for points and we can discuss changes if anyone wants them.
Very good point here which is one of the main reasons I don't try and punish players for camping etc.
I think I'm finally caught up to where the video is shown. I promise once again to comment on all the time periods you pointed at there but it will take some time to write it up so bare with me.
We should all try to start making different threads for the separate topics
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yea snowguy that was the link you sended about baton and that was about the bouncing on UKserver, now after seeing the video of nicefu i ask myself what that was on those 2 times i posted earlier.
You got a point that im gonna punish people who want to play normal but so do they , right ? But i got your point , im not that evil , to do it all the time , i just want to play ctf like the old days . i just want a cleaner server and then we don't need to think like that, i would never think like that but some on the server don't wanna change , it just gets worse and some games are almost unplayable if you just play normal.
You are right there aren't many of us left .. but the gameplay of some keep a loth of people away too and even maybe stop playing UT cause of that. A thread of the spawncamping would be good to discuss , i don't know the protection , i never played on a server with it, but i got titan's point that it can be frustrating too.
lol fucking ig hypocrites I've watched plenty of ig league videos and those hos are alway boosting across center and ive seen a little bounce add to it. I snuck a few in off jumpads on that server no wonder that shithole is always empty now. I actually almost got banned there for chasing the guy chasing the flag carrier which i'm pretty sure is called cover, eat a dick seabass or whatever your name is.
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The only thing i can say about the video, is that i see something 0n 2.41 & 7.41 (the sudden movement of crosshair, like you push centerview) but thats it , if he cheats you would see that all the time, not? im not convinced yet.
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I think it's the shape of the door the angle and the size of the shock ball. Unless there is a botter than can rewrite the laws of physics a shock ball bot is impossible it would require knowing the future. My opinion is the whole video looks off like he is not using specfix mod, using behindview0 isnt good enough.