Obvious triggerbot. Confirmed by a bunch of the most known Instagib/normal weapons players. Why this abomination isn't banned is beyond me.

I've never seen any proof of him cheating. Personally i just think hes a guy who has been playing for 20 years.

@vivelafrance73 sait it all.

@jerc, this is where you're wrong. okay he is playing since 15 or more years. but doesn't mean he isn't cheating. if you're also an oldschool player, you should know he got banned from a bunch of servers in the past. I let you guess the reason 😉.

oh btw, have you ever seen him playing in another server ? i mean, a server where there is a decent anti cheat or an admin who's not blind ? 🙂

About the reason why the admin doesn't ban him, well, that's the biggest mystery of this server. it's blatant that guy is cheating.

just do what i do, when you see him playing, don't bother staying in the server. that's useless

    I'll start this one by saying that it is innocent until proven guilty on the servers.

    zcbz Is he/she/it truly a cheater? was he/she/it ever logged by the anti-cheat?

    I have no proof that he is truly a cheater and he has never been logged on the ESU servers by anti-cheat. I have been doing my best to keep all the servers up to date with the latest releases of ACE (Anti Cheat Engine) as they are released.

    With the exception of the combogib DM New York server and the NW London server, they are all using the latest ACE v1.2e. The DM and NW servers need extensive updates still so they are on the previous version currently. There is supposed to be a new release of ACE v1.3 soon and when that happens I will make sure to update. To be clear, I'm not trying to say that ACE catches everything but I can say it does a very good job of stopping the bulk of the known cheats in existence.

    zcbz Biggest question. who is he/she/it?

    This player uses various aliases just like many other players do but most players will know him originally as pitok and he freely admits this if asked in game so I'm not revealing anything private by saying it here.

    Before the accusations start about this player being the admin, I will say that he is not the admin. I have had to kick and/or ban multiple players that decide they will take matters into their own hands by repeatedly team killing this player. This often leads to them believing he is being protected and/or he is the admin. I will, without bias, protect any player from being repeatedly team killed. Not only is it not fair for the player being team killed but it ruins the game for all players when someone does this.

    Addressing some of the other comments: since this forum is just starting out I'm trying to keep the moderation lenient but I want to remind people that you should provide your evidence (video, demo, etc) when accusing someone.

    I'm not arguing that any particular player is innocent here. I'm saying that all players are by default considered innocent until proven otherwise.

    Recently there was a thread which centered on this player on the ut99.org forum, there some people with good knowledge of UT and client side hit detection internals expressed the difficulty in proving that someone is cheating. This is a good read if you are interested: https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=15155

      Well snowguy, i really understand your point, but.....

      It seems your not active playing on your servers, else you would see, that his runs and shots are out of normal players. For me, I can say, I very active on your server(s), and have a long of time of playing UT. Several other, for long times active players can tell you, that this guy is using a decent trigger support.
      For me, I can tell you, that for about 2 years now, I reported you this via EMail. I suggest you got a lot of more mails about him.

      I have a big problem, that your server rules say "Play CTF", and there are a lot of players, doing nothing else than playing death match.
      To tell the truth, the server needs a decent Admin, to give players an active warning or just to show presence ("an admin is here").

        @Titan is "unfortunately' right...

        You don't play enough on your server. They are a lot, like... way too many players that do nothing except camping / DM-ing or simply spawnkilling. Thats a pain.

        But as it has been said, you don't play enough to spot SBT cheating... That guy running a silent aim or trigger bot (call it whatever you want). At the end, we will do what Hitman said on the UT99.org topic "Most of us that are older Admins can spot this, and if you hesitate to kick him out he will drain your server from players cos none will join so trust your gut and use latest ACE if its your server=your rules, that's my advice.."

        You have nothing to do except going on your server undercover (or not), and clean it a bit. Some players won't be missed, trust me 😉

          start by kicking the player for 30s if he gets X number of spawnkill warnings

            Hello. I started the topic on ut99.org. I didn't think I'd have to continue it. There are so many things I didn't mention about him. For example, he uses Bunnyhopping all the time.
            And in CTF-CaNNiBAL, he has a very strange behavior... if the enemy's flag is on the floor, then the flag is attached to his aim (visually, not real for other players). I know, I know it's all bad netcode, and lags and some mod.... 😁

            In any case. How to prove if the admin has all the logs and stuff ?
            I understand that I write everything in vain...

              Nicefu that bouncing is allowed and he don't use it that much anymore , but its allowed 🙂

              The only thing i can say , without proof you have nothing , just like a murder , if they can't proof it your not a murderer , simple as that.

                ESUOH Oh friend. thanks for the example
                When a murder occurs, what should be done first? so right to look for witnesses

                1. All these people who write above are witnesses.
                2. The video is already proof (just don't take everyone for fools
                  about lags and more...)
                3. About the name of the cheat. Call it Zeroping or Hacked Zeroping or Hacked Driver.... doesn't matter

                I've been hacking things a bit myself. But I hacked console things (PS3)

                  I play on a 32 inch screen. And everything is easy to see.
                  The server uses zeroing and this is a weak point for everyone. I'm very interested to see if this mod is removed

                  We all can only trust the admin. But these are not official servers.
                  MR snowguy if YOU can't prove it, then that's another matter.

                  Zeroping is access to cheaters. So we have this situation.


                    Nicefu hey , what video ? i haven't seen a video ? could you post it ? thAnks.

                    zcbz That spawnkill punishment will solve a loth allrdy on the server because , thats the only thing some do. i think snowguy wants to install that , the faster the better 🙂

                    And what does it say when you guys spectate sad but true? i did it a loth and i cant say i saw a cheat . Probably u guys see it better but i really didn't . Ingame playing against him isnt always a gift , is he that good or..... i dont know .. offcourse im not procheat who is ? He is certainly a very good aimer he shows that game after game . I ask myself why would you use a cheat if you are allready that good , he has nice mousecontrol so it would be very weird to use a cheat for those few extra frags .

                    Is he banned from the ukserver for that bouncing snowguy?

                      There is a lot that has been brought up here. I will try to cover it all but it will take some time so I will answer a little bit here and there as time permits.

                      Titan It seems your not active playing on your servers, else you would see, that his runs and shots are out of normal players.

                      Although I haven't been playing much recently, I can tell you that I have played with and against this player for years. In fact, my first 2 years back into UT I played practically every day on the same server as this player both in normal weapons and combogib. So, I do understand what it is like playing against him. I have also spent many many hours watching his play and have watched all videos and demos that people have sent me of him in slow motion at least once. I don't make my decisions based on how many emails I receive or how many players say someone is cheating.

                      Titan I have a big problem, that your server rules say "Play CTF", and there are a lot of players, doing nothing else than playing death match.

                      Rules like this are subjective, almost every player will have a different definition of what is CTF and what is not CTF. The rule "The objective is CTF, play it" is more an attempt to encourage/remind players that we are capturing flags here not just shooting each other. Trying to enforce this rule would be cumbersome and most likely push many people away to never return. I'm afraid it is the price that must be paid to have the server populated.

                      Titan To tell the truth, the server needs a decent Admin, to give players an active warning or just to show presence ("an admin is here").

                      I have chosen to take a different approach to this. The problem with showing that there is an admin around is that players will just behave only when the admin is there and not at other times. One could get a team of administrators so there would always be one around but this can lead to overzealous administration and once again push people away. I do however warn and ban players you just don't notice it. I used to have banned players announced when they tried to reconnect to show to others that bans do happen but eventually some banned player decided they would use this to reconnect with vulgar and/or disparaging names of other players so I turned off this broadcasting of bans.

                      reg @Titan is "unfortunately' right...

                      You don't play enough on your server. They are a lot, like... way too many players that do nothing except camping / DM-ing or simply spawnkilling. Thats a pain.

                      No offense intended reg but I have received more complaints about you DM-ing than any other player. In fact, almost as many complaints about you than I have had about pitok.

                      reg i mean, a server where there is a decent anti cheat

                      Do you have a suggestion for another anti cheat that is needed on the server?

                      That's all for now, I'll try to respond to other comments and questions as soon as possible.

                        This post is not about sad_but_true only, it belongs to other players also.

                        What you say snowguy is, that you will do nothing, as long as there is no proof. With that attitude, your protecting one guy. But - I can talk for myself only - but what I see also, many other players won't play or leave the server, when he's on.
                        The list of players causing this situation is longer (sbt, henry, dasein, ....).

                        You should ask yourself, what is more important for you: the protection of one player (proofed guilty or not) or the fun for the community (for which the server is here, when I understand that right).

                        I think it would be a good signal, to active remove players from a running game. You can broadcast an admin message into the game, every player can read that.

                        ...and reg.... i don't know that guy. But what i see, he's a very good defender. I never (!!!) saw him dm'ing. But his defense is good. Maybe annoying, but good. Every complain about that is .... ha ha ha.

                          sbt isnt really the only problem , maybe he is for some of you , but there are much worse players at least sbt is playing ctf in a normal way(cheat or not) , Players like oOo , wfh-deicide , uccello , lou sasolle , dasein ..etc arent even playing ctf anymore just camping , spawnkillin all game long. if you come in to sabotage the game of 17 other players you better get a timeout.

                          Yea reg hes defending all game long , game after game no grabs , is that allowed ? (thats sound very fucking selfish to me , isnt it) ? i had a few time a word to him about it , but that arrogance of not answering on the server is very easy offcourse . If thats allowed im gonna do the same and thats what you gonna create. All that behavior on the server gets from one person to another thats why the server is so poisened fuckeD up now. So what im gonna do now is full spawnkill games full defending games as it is allowed ? what i suggest is that some players get a little break to think lol , at least a week to start 🙂

                            cammon lou sassole is quite epic player, don't punish him. He plays a special 4D chess.

                            There are different things you guys are talking here about playstyles and etc and that is a bit complicated to really manage, I mean, the game has a point set system that benefits camping, it has always been like that. I also do a lot of DMing although in many times i am just doing it because i want to stop the enemy spawncampers or dm'ers

                            I do think some anti-spawncamping should/could be in place such as: a) excessive spawn camp kills - 30s out of the server or b) spawn protection.

                            Regarding camping - why not a warning if a player doesn't move after 10s and a kick after 20s - this will force campers to relocate basically turning that stand combo playstyle into normal game style. You can set this minimum movement to be e.g. 100 to 200 unreal units idk, something relatively significant.

                            Regarding people playing CTF, more points should be given to people who attack. Maybe automatically being awarded 3 pts for entering enemy flag area would create a positive reinforcement for attacking the flag.

                            The problem in UT is that it always has rewarded fragging playstyles because flags kills = 7 pts (or something like that). So public server playing has always been the entire enemy team after the FC. Also, map designs are problematic as many (especially older) maps are chokepoint based so people can sit in one area and shoot at an entrance or simple spawns that can be pre-aimed.

                            Many people make a lot of their frags based on these and these are many issues that have always been a problem in public server playing.