I waited a long time for someone to put up a replacement for the old popular Face only server in Europe that disappeared a year or more ago but I only saw one for a short time that also went offline.
To be honest, I never wanted to deal with all the misbehaving players that frequented the Face only server so I was in no hurry to make one myself. 🙂
I'm not sure if it will do well but I think it is something new and returning players often look for so here it is.
The same sort of rules apply on this server as are in place on the other ESU CTF servers. Basically, any game style is allowed. For now, this includes flag boosting with the redeemer being allowed. For any that don't know "flag boosting" is the "bug" where if you kill yourself with the redeemer while holding the flag and aim against a wall or the ground just right the flag will go flying across the map so you can pick it up after respawning and make a quick capture. If enough people don't want this then it might be possible to stop it with the creation of a mutator (I'm not sure though) but way too many players will do it so policing it manually just isn't feasible.
Also, for now, piston camping is allowed but it is also up for discussion to be possibly stopped with some mutator.
@reg This is the server you requested long ago but try to go easy on the very new players for a while, at least until the server gets somewhat established with regular players 😉