I don't like that guy, but c'mon, high score on joust is not something out of ordinary (just find good angle and spam combos on spawn). And screenshot of scoreboard as a proof? It's laughable. That kind of "proofing" only damages your cause - no wonder why people brush off possibility of cheating even when they play against actual botter or when they watch (or claim to have watched) demos.
(cheater) player1 - and his huge number of frags/points
lol Reminds me of the final scene from IT movie when the clown got smaller and smaller
Whats the point of accusing people with screenshots ? Hes not going to be banned with a screenshot ,
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Schizazoid high score on joust is not something out of ordinary
Lol, this is not a high score, this is an insane score, come one, are you on drugs or drunk? What you saying is laughable.
ESUOH Whats the point of accusing people with screenshots ? Hes not going to be banned with a screenshot
Schizazoid And screenshot of scoreboard as a proof? It's laughable.
Why not, the insane result speaks for itself, also the screenshoot is full of statistics, also provided a link to the match where you can find all the statistics, I think you are either drunk or on drugs, if you saying only a video can prove anything, really...what you saying is laughable and I'm not just ping-ponging what you said, what you said REALLY is laughable.
2.91% accuracy the worst of any of 20 or so players, yeah you are a good player I'm wrong https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=match&mid=34994
Oh no you had a good game here, you got 3.35% accuracy that time good job https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=match&mid=34902
IIRC chain kills get you additional points (granted that 1 frag=1 pt). Plus, caps, grabs, flagkills, covers give you points also (I don't recall numbers). Judging by number of combos (405) and time (player present for the most part of the match from the start) we can assume that player was spamming combos on respawn and getting chainkills (3 godlikes in both matches). If you lucky enough and know where to sit you can get "high" numbers, it's joust after all.
And if you insist on using match stats, well, look up his last matches on liandri, duku, woot and whatnot - no "insane" numbers present - what to make of it, hm?
PepsiCola Why not
Because it doesn't prove anything at all. It's a bunch of numbers, but numbers alone don't give you much. Hell, even "efficiency" and "accuracy" don't give much info just by itself.
PepsiCola if you saying only a video can prove anything
I for one saying that demo can give you (well, us) more information: his positioning, what he did, how he aimed etc. Yes, demos lack some information (you can't exactly see how player tweaked his game), but still, it contains more info that just isolated numbers alone.
It's not that hard to understand.
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You pretend to be an expert, but the irony is you are too stupid or forgot how combos accuracy % are counted:
LINK 1, LINK 2 you fuckin retard, just like another idiot: Nicefu who only blindly and stupidly rely on what you say, because he is too stupid to verify what you say or too stupid to invent something on his own.
The % of combo accuracy reported in stats is far lower than it actually is, because if you kill several players at once with a single combo shock, % of combo accuracy reported in stats is way lowered.
Hence given I'm a heavy combo player, so most of the time I use combos, and only rarely a primary weapon, thus comparing a raw % of my combo accuracy to % of primary weapon accuracy of those CS/COD/Battlefield etc. primary weapon players, who never or rarely dodge, jump, or comboing, grappling, is like comparing apples to oranges.
Stop comparing % you idiot if you don't know how to do the math, what matters is the final frags/points scores.
There ae many good combo players who have low % combo accuracy, not their fault how the % combo accuracy is calculated in stats. Don't use this flaw to troll players they are bad, what a fucking moron.
Now if I wanted to be ironic I could paste here a player_0's comment: LINK and say that: "You just turned the whole law of universal gravitation upside down. You have abolished uniform rectilinear motion in one move. How you inspired me, boy!" and then lets everybody laught of you.
You losers cherry-pick some shit and troll me with it, so now I cherry-picking a good game, and fuck off:
Schizazoid Because it doesn't prove anything at all. It's a bunch of numbers, but numbers alone don't give you much. Hell, even "efficiency" and "accuracy" don't give much info just by itself.
Great, glad you have admitted, that Ooper is just an idiot with his faulty % accuracy caluclations and comparisions..maybe now go and try to tell the same to him that his % are worth a shit, why only telling it to me?...
As for screenshoots + stas vs a video, even if most of time videos are posted as a proof, it doesn't mean that occasionally screenshoots + stats can't serve as a proof.
And now to all trolls: fuck off losers, stop crying, and don't turn this thread into your another private lame trollposting thread for personal attacks, go troll elsewhere., otherwise I create a thread about how I fucked your mothers.
Now: fuck off.
PepsiCola maybe now go and try to tell the same to him that his % are worth a shit, why only telling it to me?
Because I adress your argument.
So, let me get this straight: you saying to ooper that numbers and % ain't worth shit and that ppl "cherrypick" matches - isn't it the same you did in main post? You cherrypicked matches on one of the crappiest small maps, screenshotted high numbers - and now saying that guy is a cheater "cuz numbers". Am I having a psychotic episode or you don't apply your own logic to your own statements?
PepsiCola that occasionally screenshoots + stats can't serve as a proof
Only for people that have recorded stat-track of playing badly and then improving overnight. Like suddenly jumping from 10~%acc to 60+ and gaining more kills than usual against good players without camping or spawnlocking. Even in that case it doesn't prove much, just flags player for further investigation.
Schizazoid on one of the crappiest small maps,
This map gives a good fun, I know this map is much about spamming & camping, but the fun it gives is crazy nice, and you are just insulting the creator, I don't like it, you could stop at saying "I don't like this map", because not all maps need to suit your private taste nor all maps must be for super professional playing, some maps are for having a good fun, and there is a reason why this map is put on the server.
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This time I'm at the first place in the scoreboard in the whole game, along with two other guys, and you still crying and trolling again....wow
Whatever screenshot I put in, you troll it anyway.
The first time, you tried to troll with "%".
Now you are trolling with "kills".
If I had posted a screenshoot with 250 frags, but 350 scores, then you'd be trolling with "points" : "I have only 350 points".
By the way if you say I'm so bad, this means a player: "Whatever" is bad too because he got very similiar results to me.
Maybe I should bring him here so he hears your opinion.
You are getting boring with your selective trolling.
You cherry-pick whatever worst you can and throw against me.
Everyone can do like that.
Maybe I should start to make screenshoots of other players, then to cherry-pick the "worst" value I find in their results , ignoring their overall good results, and then paste it to show how weak they are and laught of them? Is that how you troll?
Could you finally stop talking about me like you had nothing to do in your life?
Do you like my dick in your ass or what?
Why is this guy so obsessed with cheating? I,ve gotten like 20x holyshit kills on Joust pretty regularly with a few wicked sicks that woulda rolled over into 2 if it reset and started over. Can a legit player get this score? Absolutely.
He has a reputation for doing it, admins normally get sick of it after a while and mute him.
Also if you want to die from alcohol poisoning: take a shot every time he calls someone a troll.
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jerc Why is this guy (...)
Why is this guy "jerc" so obsessed with his thinking that no one cheats, and defending every suspected players in every thread all over the forum...also there are many similiar threads/comments on this forum about different players suspected cheating, so I'm not the only one.
the_cowboy (I personally have reached godlike in similar map, Egypt to be precise).
jerc I,ve gotten like 20x holyshit kills on Joust pretty regularly with a few wicked sicks that woulda rolled over into 2 if it reset and started over. Can a legit player get this score? Absolutely.
Great stories..., any links to the stats, any screenshoots? Or do you want anybody to believe these stories? Especially the one from "jerc", as I don't trust a troll. At least I provided stats and screenshoots of "player1", you provided only fairy tales, it's you who got no evidence, but it was me who has been accused of being the one who got no evidence, this is funny.
Also as for "player1", like I already have written, many players were complainging about him, also they were trying to vote-kick him, it's time to bring them to this thread.
Ooper He has a reputation for doing it,
Not calculating your % anymore, expert? You back to trash-talking now. Lol.
Still licking Ooper's ass? You like it, don't you,? It seems you two are gays.
I'll explain what I meant above.
This is a post-study association of psychology fanatics, something like a still popular group of flat-earthers. Better not mess with them.
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So you think Earth is flat, lol
I already said that I can also suspect 50% of all players on the server, but I cannot prove it, because I watched their game and did not see any suspicion shots.
Show us all the suspicious shots for example and we'll all look and if it's not a human movement, then I promise everyone will support you (I'm the first).
Or are you waiting for someone to do it for you? like here
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Nicefu Show us
No, I already showed stats and screenshoots, as a proof that only "player1" can achieve results like 521 frags / 1658 points in 17 minutes, on CTF-1on1-Joust, now it's your all's turn to show me links and screenshoots to other players having same results like "player1". If you all are so sure that it's "so easy" to get results like "player1", then it should not be a problem for you to show which other players can achieve same results, so far you provided nothing more than trash-talking, trolling, insulting, opinions and stories, you must be kidding? Unless anybody of you provide links to stats or screenshoots,, you are just projecting / trash-talking / trolling. Wow. Holy-Shit. I can easily handle 1vs7 in argumentation, even though buckets of shit have been poured on me.